Report: Lebanon Tries in Vain to Stop Branding Hizbullah Terrorist at Islamic Summit

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Lebanon has tried in vain to stop considering Hizbullah a terrorist group at a preparatory meeting for the Islamic summit that will be held in Turkey later this week, As Safir daily reported on Tuesday.

The meeting was held in Istanbul ahead of the talks of the foreign ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on Tuesday.

The OIC summit will be held on Thursday and Friday.

According to As Safir, Lebanon’s Ambassador to Riyadh Abdul Sater Issa, who represents Lebanon at the OIC for being based in Jeddah, has expressed reservations on a clause about Hizbullah.

The representatives of Iraq, Algeria, Iran and Indonesia did the same, said the newspaper.

Prime Minister Tammam Salam will represent Lebanon at the OIC summit.

He will travel at the head of a ministerial delegation that represents all the factions represented in the government because he wants to show the solidarity of the Lebanese with internal unity and Arab consensus, said As Safir.

Last month, the Arab League formally branded Hizbullah a terrorist organization, a move that raised concerns of deepening divisions among Arab countries and ramped up the pressure on the Shiite group, which is fighting on the side of President Bashar Assad in Syria.

The move aligned the 22-member league firmly behind Saudi Arabia and the Saudi-led bloc of six Gulf Arab nations, which have also made the same formal branding against Hizbullah.



Comments 22
Thumb warrior 12 April 2016, 07:34

if Lebanon objects to branding Hezbollah a terror organization, then Lebanon should stop complaining about hezbollah practices on a daily basis. Lebanon is a failed state and should be treated as such.

Thumb ashtah 12 April 2016, 08:08

exactly, so why do they keep whining ? Now, they have an opportunity to condemn it and label it they way it should be. Did I hear al sharq al awsat refer to Lebanon as a joke?

Thumb Mystic 12 April 2016, 21:06

Look even Indonesia supports the Resistance, that is the majority of muslims in the World.
Not to mention the great numbers of Christian support in South America.

Thumb Elemental 12 April 2016, 21:30

I want to see actual demographics about the Christians which you repeatedly use. South America? really? I bet the martians as well as Eskimos also support your Iranian group too right?

Thumb justin 12 April 2016, 07:38

It sure seems Lebanon is happy having a sectarian militia control its affairs. Here is an example of how this militia thinks it is above the law:

المعتدون على “الشرق الأوسط”: يحاكمون حضوريا.. والثامن المحسوب على “حزب الله” غيابيا

وقد غادر المدعى عليهم نظارة قصر العدل في بيروت بعد 10 أيام على توقيفهم في هذه القضية٬ على أن يمثلوا لاحًقا أمام القاضي المنفرد لمحاكمتهم حضورًيا٬ فيما لا يزال المدعى عليه الأساسي عباس زهري المحسوب على “حزب الله” متوارًيا عن الأنظار٬ لكونه يتمتع بحماية أمنية ولم يجر توقيفه٬ ومن المقرر محاكمته غيابًيا ما لم يسلّم نفسه للمحكمة.

Thumb ex-fpm 12 April 2016, 07:54

good example... Abbas Zehri is a hezbollah member and he refuses to show up in front of the Lebanese judiciary. He is another Saint.

Thumb ex-fpm 12 April 2016, 07:52

The broken record excuse is that Hezbollah represents a large portion of the shia community. So what? If the Shia community wants to be represented by a terror organization that is their choice and not the choice of the rest and the majority of the Lebanese people inside and outside Lebanon.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 12 April 2016, 08:03

11/04/2016 - الأمن في الضاحية الجنوبية

بالفيديو: أهالي الضاحية الجنوبية يشكون من سلاح “حزب الله” ورسالة إلى نصرالله

Thumb EagleDawn 12 April 2016, 08:12

The Prime Minister wanna be Mr. Al Mashnouk has sang praises of his security plan for Dahieh.

Thumb justice 12 April 2016, 11:41

key in this video is the man said " the ISF are watching... Army Intelligence came and refused to interfere". That is a state that is stronger than the actual state.

Thumb EagleDawn 12 April 2016, 08:11

Lebanon Tries in Vain to Stop Branding Hizbullah Terrorist at Islamic Summit

Keep trying;)

Thumb barrymore 12 April 2016, 08:22

I wonder what PM Salam will tell the King of KSA when he meets him tomorrow....

Thumb shab 12 April 2016, 21:50

That it was in "vain"

Default-user-icon kazan (Guest) 12 April 2016, 08:53

When a political party provides weapon to its members, this party has internal or external destructive objective . By the way this applies to many political organisations in Lebanon.

Missing humble 12 April 2016, 10:14

No one can deny that Ebola is a disease.

Missing humble 12 April 2016, 10:56

I put the blame on this Caporal corrupt agent who provided them with Christian legitimacy.

Thumb justice 12 April 2016, 11:35

humble, you are absolutely right.

Thumb Elemental 12 April 2016, 21:34

bighassan, not by choice. Please take your fight back to your respective territories and leave Lebanon alone. Using Christians like you always do, shameful. And don't go whining saying I'm a Zionist either, both your group and them are just as manipulative and occupying land that's not yours.

Thumb Elemental 12 April 2016, 20:18

Yeah the country is pretty much an Iranian suburb, the regular population for the most part are sellouts and just plain selfish. So I guess besides selling their very dignity and allowing illegal Iranian occupation, severe influx of narcotics, prostitution, fake medications, failed infrastructure, corrupt institutions etc, those are you right? So proud of you Lebanon...keep living in denial.

Thumb Elemental 12 April 2016, 20:18

those are ok**

Thumb Elemental 12 April 2016, 21:24

Wow bighassan you really don't get it. Lebanon should ONLY be ruled by the Lebanese, not KSA, not Iran, do you not understand such a basic concept? Nice assumptions from a paid propagandist, thanks for contributing to warping the minds of the Lebanese, you're a hero to us all...

Thumb shab 12 April 2016, 21:53

He will never get it. Anybody against the filthy murdering militia is labeled Zionist, as if this word will change our minds.