Berri Says Parliamentary Elections to be Held on Time

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Speaker Nabih Berri has said that the parliamentary elections will be held on their due date based on the electoral law that would be available at time.

If the rival parliamentary blocs failed to strike an agreement, then the elections would be held based on the 1960 law, Berri told As Safir daily published on Tuesday.

Despite his remarks, the speaker said that he has not yet lost hope on the possibility to reach a deal on a new draft-law.

Berri stressed that the municipal polls, which are scheduled for next month, and the parliamentary elections are not intertwined.

In November 2014, lawmakers extended their mandate until June 2017.

Only two lawmakers voted against the extension, but 31 boycotted the session altogether in protest over the controversial decision.

Parliamentary elections were originally scheduled for mid-2013, but MPs approved a 17-month extension of their mandate on May 31, 2013.

“I had backed the extension for the parliament (term) the last time, although I wasn't enthusiastic about it, for a single fundamental reason, which everyone is aware of,” Berri told As Safir.

Berri said his support for the extension came as a result of his respect for the Constitution after al-Mustaqbal Movement chief Saad Hariri objected to holding the elections.

Comments 2
Missing humble 19 April 2016, 10:02

Mr du Barry...extend the parliament for another 10 years and all the traitors will be gone...

Missing humble 19 April 2016, 16:53

He is a hatred engine...