Israeli Officer Says Hizbullah ‘Obsessively’ Gathering Intelligence in Golan


An Israeli military official has said that Hizbullah’s military activities on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights are similar to what Israel observed prior to the 2006 summer war.

Hizbullah is “obsessively” tracking and monitoring Israeli soldiers from across the border, Lt. Col. Eliav Elbaz told Israel’s Channel 2.

He said the party is “gathering (information) about everything happening here, everything our security forces” are doing.

The group’s activities are still “reminiscent of what they did before the Second Lebanon War,” the officer added.

Hizbullah has deployed thousands of men to fight alongside the Syrian regime in the country's conflict.

In 2006, the group fought a month-long war with the Jewish state that devastated several parts of Lebanon.

That conflict killed more than 1,200 people in Lebanon, mostly civilians, and around 160 Israelis, most of them soldiers.



Comments 6
Missing humble 29 April 2016, 09:28

The two enemies of Lebanon. One from inside the other from outside.

Thumb gigahabib 29 April 2016, 12:29

So who are the friends of Lebanon?

Thumb thepatriot 29 April 2016, 09:38

No Ebola = No trouble with Israel

Thumb Mystic 29 April 2016, 12:42

With no America and Saudi = Powerful Lebanese Army and Government.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 29 April 2016, 11:07

Israeli Officer Says Hizbullah ‘Obsessively’ Gathering Intelligence in Golan

... and ?

Thumb shab 29 April 2016, 11:32

Let them, as long it's in Syria.