Hariri: Absence of Hizbullah from 'Beirutis' Municipal List an Asset for Capital

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Al-Mustaqbal movement chief MP Saad Hariri said on Sunday that the absence of Hizbullah candidates from the Beirutis List which he backs for the municipal elections is “an asset for the capital Beirut.”

After casting his ballot at a polling station in Verdun, Hariri answered a question on how he would explain the absence of Hizbullah candidates from the list that he backs, he said: “it is an asset for Beirut.”

Hariri backs the Beirutis List which is also supported by several of the country's major political parties including the Free Patriotic Movement, Lebanese Forces, Kataeb and the Amal movement of Speaker Nabih Berri.

“I hope that the municipal elections pave way to hold the parliamentary elections,” he added.

“The municipal elections are perfectly political and developmental,” he concluded.

Shortly after Hariri cast his ballot, it was reported that his vote in the mayoral elections was cancelled after he mistakenly placed the envelope in the ballot box specified for the municipal candidates.

Comments 3
Default-user-icon Neutral Bystander (Guest) 08 May 2016, 21:44

I think a special kind of stupid is someone who comments on this type of article.

Thumb Elemental 09 May 2016, 01:02

Well, Hezbollah aren't Lebanese to begin with, so it really doesn't matter. Sure Hariri made a mistake with his vote, but look at what the country did as a mistake long ago: Letting the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in and impose their ideology. All they can do now is point out petty things, like our friend above who lives in Dearborn Michigan has clearly shown.^

Thumb Elemental 09 May 2016, 01:32

Still more pettiness I see, as predicted.