Salam Says Municipal Elections a 'National Moment to Say our Word'

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Prime Minister Tammam Salam stressed on Sunday that Lebanon is facing a national moment embodied in the democratic municipal election process that will allow the people of Beirut to say their word and vote in favor of their city and country.

Salam's comments came after he cast his ballot at a polling station in Aicha Bakkar, he said: “I am biased to Beirut, to the people of Beirut and to my nation.”

“On this day we affirm the existence of the state and its role in embracing all of her sons. The municipal elections is a popular demand and is at the heart of our democracy which we pray is reflected on other entitlements mainly the election n of a president,” added the PM.

He concluded saying: “I am biased to Beirut, to the people of Beirut and to my nation.”

The four-stage municipal elections started in Beirut and Bekaa-al-Hermel districts on May 8, while the elections in Mount Lebanon will be held on May 15.

Elections in south Lebanon and Nabatieh are set for May 22 and north Lebanon and Akkar for May 29.

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