Moussawi Calls for Avoiding 'Mistakes that Harm Coexistence'
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
A prominent Hizbullah lawmaker on Sunday called on those who are “keen on Lebanon” to avoid committing mistakes that “harm coexistence,” stressing that importance of running the country on the basis of “partnership and balance.”
“Lebanon is different than some other societies because it is a pluralistic and balanced society that contains various sects, religions, parties, ideologies and affiliations,” Loyalty to Resistance bloc MP Nawwaf al-Moussawi said.
“Its governance formula cannot be based on the hegemony of one party over another but rather on the concept of real and actual partnership,” he stressed.
“Has partnership in the national decision been achieved and can it be achieved in a cabinet that lacks its main components?” Moussawi asked.
He added: “Those keen on Lebanon and its survival as a coexistence model must not commit mistakes that harm this coexistence in their administration of the governance formula in Lebanon, which must always be based on partnership and balance.”
Hizbullah's ally the Free Patriotic Movement, which has the biggest Christian bloc in parliament, has suspended its participation in cabinet sessions and national dialogue meetings over accusations that other parties in the country are not respecting the National Pact.
Hizbullah expressed solidarity with the FPM by boycotting last Thursday's cabinet session.
The 1943 National Pact is an unwritten agreement that set the foundations of modern Lebanon as a multi-confessional state based on Christian-Muslim partnership.
The FPM's boycott of cabinet meetings was initially linked to the thorny issue of military and security appointments. The movement has long voiced reservations over the government's decision-taking mechanism in the absence of a president.
Addressing Prime Minister Tammam Salam, FPM chief Jebran Bassil has recently said that “the son of late PM Saeb Salam must pay great attention when he says that the government is respecting the National Pact when it convenes in the presence of ministers representing only six percent of a main component of the country (Christians).”
Bassil has also warned that the country might be soon plunged into a “political system crisis” if the other parties do not heed the FPM's demands regarding Muslim-Christian “partnership.”
Marada Movement chief Suleiman Franjieh hit back at Bassil on Monday, saying Marada and the other Christian parties in the cabinet “represent a lot more than six percent.”

“Lebanon is different than some other societies because it is a pluralistic and balanced society that contains various sects, religions, parties, ideologies and affiliations,” Loyalty to Resistance bloc MP Nawwaf al-Moussawi said.
lol, balanced society in which one sect is allowed to arm itself and wage proxy wars for its masters in tehran.

Defending Lebanon from israeli and takfiri threats is first and foremost in the interest of Lebanon. Iran couldn't care less, they wouldn't be the ones in danger if israelis and/or takfiris breached our defenses. Iran certainly supports Hezbollah, but they dont get much of anything out of it, they dont even have control over Hezbollah decisions.
Other Lebanese parties should be thankful to Hezbollah for neutralizing outside threats, and worry more about those trying to ignite internal conflicts.

The problem is that Lebanese are not given the choice whether they want or not this Iranian purported "present". If Hizbullah and Iran really wanted the Lebanese State to be strong inside and outside its border, they would boost the Lebanese army, abide by international UN Resolutions (which demand the complete withdrawal of military forces which are not the Lebanese army) and even, for Hizbullah, integrate the armed forces under the command of the Lebanese State, not under the orders and interests of Iran.

the iranian above speaks of Iranian affairs as if he is part of Khamanei inner circle. lol

Mowaten it is not in the interest of March 14 to have a sovereign state, they want to be part of either the so called 'Islamic State' Or part of Greater Israel, anything aslong as they do not have Resistance.

Mystic, Lebanon is already part of the Islamic state of iran. They clearly said they control 4 Arab capitals, Lebanon (Beirut) is one of them.

lol @exfpm:)) I guess the so called "mowaten" must be a big shot in brital.

Which country are you a mowaten of ? Iran, Syria, Jabal Amil, Iraq, or Yemen? Certainly not Lebanon oh no!

Mowaten I'm not a big poster here but I have been using this site for over 31 years and recently I have been liking your posts, your the only one informing these deluded ignorants. :)

بالصور: علي قشور “ذو الفقار” قتيل جديد لـ”حزب الله”
اعلنت المواقع التابعة لـ”حزب الله” عن نقتل احد عناصرها وهو علي قشور الملقّب بـ”ذو الفقار” من مدينة صور، والذي قُتل في سوريا.