Rifi: Saad Hariri is Finished, Sunnis Awaiting a 'New Hariri'
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Resigned Justice Minister Ashraf Rifi has announced that his ties with al-Mustaqbal Movement leader ex-PM Saad Hariri are “totally severed,” while claiming that the former premier has lost his influence in the Sunni community.
“There are no channels of communication or any exchange of words or greetings,” Rifi said in an interview with MTV.
The minister however noted that he is maintaining communication with al-Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc head MP Fouad Saniora, MP Bahia Hariri, Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq and “other members of al-Mustaqbal Movement.”
Commenting on Mashnouq's decision to ask the government to ban the Arab Democratic Party and the Islamic Unification Movement faction led by Hashem Minqara, Rifi noted that “Prime Minister Tammam Salam will not dare to put the disbanding of the two groups on the cabinet's agenda.”
“If he refrains from doing so, I will not hesitate to attack him,” Rifi added.
The resigned minister also noted that from now on he will not visit the Center House – the headquarters of ex-PM Saad Hariri.
“I belong to Qureitem not to the Center House,” Rifi added, referring to the headquarters of slain ex-PM Rafik Hariri, Saad's father.
Saad “Hariri is finished and the Sunnis are awaiting a new Hariri,” the resigned minister went on to say.
Boasting about his rising influence in the Sunni community, Rifi added: “I am strong in Tripoli and my influence is spreading to Akkar in which I will have candidates (in the parliamentary elections). I also have presence now western and central Bekaa and I'm rivaling Hariri in Beirut's third electoral district.”
Rifi also revealed that Saudi Arabia had asked him through its ambassador to fulfill two demands that he snubbed – “visiting the Center House and returning to the government.”
He however emphasized that his relation with the kingdom is characterized by “respect” and that Riyadh has not tried to “restrict” his political activities.
Separately, Rifi hailed the Lebanese Forces and its leader Samir Geagea, describing the LF chief as “our first ally.”
Asked why he has not visited Maarab lately, Rifi said he does not want to “embarrass” Geagea.
Rifi also ruled out any political developments in Lebanon before the U.S. presidential elections, noting that Free Patriotic Movement founder MP Michel Aoun and Marada Movement chief MP Suleiman Franjieh have no chances to reach the Baabda Palace.

Rifi: Saad Hariri is Finished, Sunnis Awaiting a 'New Hariri'
You are their new leader. Every Sunni I talk to says he/she will vote for you.! Godspeed Ashraf Rifi

I wish it was true though, putting rifi in the spotlight is the surest way of exposing his takfiri allies and precipitating their fall.

"aunt-bens": I suggest you go see a therapist and tell him about your childhood. much trauma there it seems.

The most important thing is that Rifi is against Ebola and corrupt caporal.
Rifi is a great patriot while others obey to external countries!

My Friend @Mystic (MF)
Do you still cry your eyes out like I do when you remember sayidna hussain.?

"Rifi protects isis and nusra" and it shows
السوبرستار افتتح مهرجانات طرابلس... وريفي لـ"النهار": سقطت الافتراءات عن مدينتنا

Same applies to every sect Mystic. Secterian thinking is a disease in Lebanon. Nobody works for the sake of the country as a whole.

"When he asked some of them to go to Beirut and help Hariri militias (or "Guards")
It sure seems you were in attendance! Your stories are entertaining. Keep writing

ارتفاع قتلى ميلشيا "حزب الله" في سوريا إلى 8 خلال يومين
نعت ميليشيا حزب الله اللبناني التي تقاتل إلى جانب قوات الأسد في سوريا، قتيلين جديدين لها على أيدي الثوار في سوريا، ليرتفع العدد خلال اليومين الماضيين وحتى الآن إلى ثمتنية قتلى.
وتم الإعلان عن القتيلين اليوم وهما "حسين محمد الخطيب" الملقب بـ نور الزهراء، من قرية شقرا الجنوبية في قضاء بنت جبيل، والثاني هو "محمود علي بيضون" من قرية الشهابية في قضاء "صور".
وكانت ميلشيا حزب الله أعلنت يوم أمس عن مقتل خمسة من عناصرها في سوريا على أيدي الثوار وخاصة في حلب، وهم "خضر محمد صفا" من بلدة النبطية الجنوبية، و"محمود علي بيضون" من بلدة الشهابية الجنوبية، و"حسن أحمد هزيمة" من بلدة ميس الجبل الجنوبية (سكان الشياح).

How Sad.... How Awful... How depressing to hear how our resistance fighters are getting slaughtered in Syria defending us in Lebanon. Why is the world so silent? Where is the world's conscience? Where is humanity or what is left of it?
My deep felt condolences go out to their families and friends....... in Iran.
@justin, you are the bearer of bad news!
My Tuesday is now ruined.... done!

bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts extreme pain and unbearable suffering, death, torture, and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its members, sponsors, supporters or followers wherever they may be.

We do not want to live in a state run by Iran or Ebola. You can decide to live with all other people from your Shi3a community in any backaged culture you like.
You have destroyed the most important message of Lebanon: "The living together". You also destroyed all hopes of living together in the future. We are not going to accept to live with you and your weapons. So you are most welcome to create your own entity and live by yourself.
Your Shi3aland will be rich, intellectually advanced, modern and highly developed from artistic point of view. We wish you all the best in your partition.
Remember one thing: you are the ones who have already divided our Lebanon.

I wish to remind the Shi3a brothers (if they read History) that it is the Christians who were at the origin of Lebanon, and they were more than happy to share it with their moslem brothers.
I remind our Shi3a brothers that we were NOT GHUZAT as in the video of their leader HA.
I also remind our Shi3a brothers that there are more than 9 million Christians outside Lebanon (whether you like it or not) and that these Christians do count and have among them some presidents and top people all over the world.
May God bless you and help you acquire some common sense.

@nonabel aka tangible6
why? Israel will do it on their behalf.

إشتباكات عنيفة في بعلبك بين آل طليس وآل ياغي
تدور إشتباكات عنيفة في بعلبك بين مجموعات من آل طليس وآخرين من آل ياغي، تمتد من منطقة عمشكة وصولا إلى السوق التجاري في مدينة بعلبك، وتستخدم فيها الأسلحة الرشاشة الخفيفة والمتوسطة، إضافة إلى إطلاق القذائف الصاروخية بشكل كثيف بين الطرفين،