Hizbullah's Yazbek: It's About Time Country Left 'Intensive Care'

Senior Hizbullah official Sheikh Mohammed Yazbek called Friday for “a strong state” that can provide “security” and “real partnership.”
“The situations in the country are very sad and regrettable and failure to shoulder responsibility would give a chance to those who want to tamper with security, attack people's freedoms and plant explosives, in addition to encouraging corruption and obstruction in state institutions,” Yazbek, who is the head of Hizbullah's Juristic Council, said.
“Will politicians meet on September 28 after reaching an agreement on electing a president or will they venture further into the unknown as citizens pay the price?” the Hizbullah official asked.
“It's about time the country left intensive care into a strong state that can provide security, preserve sovereignty and enhance coexistence and real partnership,” Yazbek urged.
Hizbullah has recently showed solidarity with its main Christian ally the Free Patriotic Movement by boycotting a cabinet session that was held in the absence of FPM's ministers.
The FPM, which has the biggest Christian bloc in parliament, has suspended its participation in cabinet sessions and national dialogue meetings over accusations that other parties in the country are not respecting the National Pact.
The 1943 National Pact is an unwritten agreement that set the foundations of modern Lebanon as a multi-confessional state based on Christian-Muslim partnership.
Lebanon has been without a president since the term of Michel Suleiman ended in May 2014 and Hizbullah, FPM founder MP Michel Aoun's Change and Reform bloc and some of their allies have been boycotting the parliament's electoral sessions, stripping them of the needed quorum.
Al-Mustaqbal Movement leader ex-PM Saad Hariri, who is close to Saudi Arabia, launched an initiative in late 2015 to nominate Marada Movement chief MP Suleiman Franjieh for the presidency but his proposal was met with reservations from the country's main Christian parties as well as Hizbullah.
The supporters of Aoun's presidential bid argue that he is more eligible than Franjieh to become president due to the size of his parliamentary bloc and his bigger influence in the Christian community.

These terrorists are from a different planet altogether. Taqiyah planet

Another scary turbaned devil from the filthy murdering militia

You are the ones who did put Lebanon into a coma.
You are the ones destroying the Institutions.
You are the ones destroying the Constitution.
You are the ones killing the National Pact.
You are the ones preventing the election of a president.
You are the ones who divided the country.
You are the ones who created hatred within the population.
You are the ones who are swallowing the State to replace it by your stateless.
You ard the ones who want to impose a backaged culture upon the rest of us.
You are the ones who are assassinating Lebanon each day a little more...

You are the ones who have no loyalty to Lebanon.
You are the ones who obey to outside orders.
You are the ones who receive weapons from Iran.
You are the ones who receive millions from Iran.
You are the ones who want to bring Iran to rule Lebanon.
You are the ones who destroyed coexistence.
You are the ones who destroyed the living together.
You are the ones who want to impose your will upon us by threatening us with your weapons.
You know what: we do not trust you anymore.
We believe you want to occupy us.
But this will never happen. Never. So if you want to create your own land with your own community, we tell you : "you are most welcome. Do not count on us to live with a retarded culture. We wish you good luck to live in such a stone age culture".
Good bye for good.

Who wants to live under Iranian occupation in a stone age culture???

Southern, please spare us your undue arrogance. No Lebanese in his or her right mind wants you or your iranian resistance.

@Southern...Your argument had merit ~10-15 years ago. Once Hizbullah became part of the government they no longer were a resistance. It just doesn't make sense, no matter how you try to spin the facts. This goes to any armed 'militia' operating under any command but that of the Lebanese army.

Actually @just-lebanese, Once Israel withdrew from south Lebanon Hezbollah's resistance claims are no more. Hezbollah today is not resisting as can be seen from its non existent military operations against Israel and for good reason too. Israel withdrew and there remains no reason for resistance. Today hezbollah is assuming the role of a traditional army in disguise to force a certain political balance in Lebanon at the request of its paymasters in Iran.

Mr. Yazbek is an iranian terrorist.He and his son are the main drug and arms dealers in the Bekaa region. They also trade in human trafficking of Syrians.