Geagea Urges Harmonious Govt., Lauds Aoun's Oath of Office
Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Monday hailed the oath of office of President Michel Aoun and called for the formation of a harmonious government.
"I'm not against the formation of a national unity cabinet but I support the formation of a government that has a clear policy and a harmonious line-up," Geagea said in an interview on LBCI television.
“Quarreling around the cabinet table will not lead to a result," he noted.
Defending his support for Aoun's nomination, Geagea explained: “We thought that our endorsement of General Aoun would immediately lead to his election but this did not happen even after several months.”
“When ex-PM (Saad) Hariri backed his nomination the March 8 forces had no excuse left not to elect him,” he added.
“After the LF and al-Mustaqbal Movement backed General Aoun's nomination, it would have been a big scandal for Hizbullah not to support him and Hizbullah could not afford to lose its Christian cover,” Geagea went on to say.
Turning to Aoun's presidential address, the LF leader said “the oath of office today was clear and sovereign par excellence and we must seek its implementation.”
“Aoun's election is a step forward,” he stressed.
Earlier in the day, Geagea noted that his “cooperation” with Aoun will be “a main guarantee for the new presidential tenure.”
“The oath of office was promising in terms of focusing on building the State, the army and the economy. As for foreign policy and after two and a half years of total chaos, the new president clarified Lebanon's commitment to the Arab League charter and the U.N. charter, putting Lebanon in the place it should be in terms of foreign policy,” Geagea said.
Aoun was tipped to become president after ex-PM Saad Hariri formally endorsed his nomination earlier this month.
Hariri had launched an initiative to nominate Marada Movement chief MP Suleiman Franjieh for the presidency in late 2015 but his proposal was met with reservations from the country's main Christian parties as well as Hizbullah. Hariri's move prompted Geagea to endorse the nomination of Aoun, his long-time Christian rival.
Geagea himself had been the candidate of the Hariri-led March 14 forces for several months and he received 48 votes in the first presidential election session that was held in April 2014.

There is nothing honorable in being Arab, when most Arabs these days bows to Israel and America.
But they are ready to fight Arabs in Yemen or The Syrian Arab Republic.
Forget about Arabhood, hold onto Lebanesehood.

You expose people now Texas? You have been proven & exposed to be an Israeli supporter time after time.

God bless the Lebanese people and the republic. Lets hope this good will produces for the lebanese! Respect for Dr Geagea, the most likely next president. I saw flags of the FPM, LF, Hezbollah and mustaqbul moventmet during last nights celebrations... I hope its more then just flag waving and more substantial. Going to take courage from all sides, most importantly from hezbollah politically for Lebanon's sake!

Texas...Long time no debate;) Mate, Hezbollah has always said their only candidate is Aoun. Then Dr Geagea made the historic and honorable move to endorse his rival Aoun as a result of Hariri endorsing Franjieh. For the 1st time since Bashir Gemayel in 1982, the main Christain Lebanese sides joined together to endorse a Presidential candidate! Hariri, finally and patriotically, agreed to support the most popular Christain candidate as president, ending the 2.5 years of vacancy. The sides that were against Aoun's presidency are now know. Now President Aoun has the endorsement of the overwhelming majority of christians (including armenians), Hezbollah (shiites), the mustaqbul movement (majority sunni) and Arslan (druze) without the objection of Jumblatt. This is good for Lebanon! A united pan Lebanese agreement for the President!
I know its hard for you to accept but give it a chance and wish Lebanon and her people good luck!

Libanobrasil... Agree 100%. Is that President Camille Chamoun?