Armed Clashes Spread from Hay al-Sellom to al-Laylaki


Clashes with machineguns and shoulder-fired rockets broke out Thursday evening at a passenger van station in the Beirut southern suburb of Hay al-Sellom, state-run National News Agency reported.

The clashes “spread quickly to the Zoaiter neighborhood in al-Laylaki,” NNA said.

An army force has since deployed in the region to restore calm and pursue the shooters, the agency added.

Comments 8
Thumb Elemental 08 December 2016, 21:53

Not surprised.

Thumb liberty 09 December 2016, 02:29

Jumhour al mokawameh mixed with ashraf al nass are the perfect recipe for a civilized Lebanon.

Missing cedars 09 December 2016, 05:16

Say what? Shoulder fired rockets? You mean hizbollah is celebrating Aleppo? No worry we have the equation people-resistance-army fixing it now. And the outcome of course is: people resistance army corrected it.
Can we see PLEASE on tv the names Of those caught firing rockets?

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 09 December 2016, 11:06

none of the shia atheists ever comment on an article like this.

Missing peace 09 December 2016, 11:13

they are too busy defending bashar their president.....

Missing cedars 09 December 2016, 13:51

legalize hasheesh, get them busy with planting and selling hasheesh, bring the money home and revive the way to disarm them and give them what they had 50'yrs ago.

Missing cedars 09 December 2016, 13:54

One them sold hasheesh and did not give the boss his cut.

Missing cedars 09 December 2016, 13:57

Now we are going to hear, at least they did not attack our army like you reply is yes they did not attack the army YET because they are busy in Syria fighting for their existence. Next return to assisinations once in control in syria under the order of the moukhabarat.