Plastic Surgeon Reported Missing Found Dead in Sidon


The body of a man who has been reported missing 40 days ago was found in the southern city of Sidon with a driver's license next to him carrying his name and place of residence, the National News Agency reported Friday.

The body which carried clear signs of torture, belongs to citizen Haitham Ali Raad (from Bednayel, born in 1965) residing in Beirut's southern suburbs, NNA added.

The man is a plastic surgeon and he had been missing for 40 days.

A coroner inspected the body and revealed that it was shot several times in the chest and neck, and signs of torture were obvious on the man's body.

The driver's license found next to the body belongs to the victim's son.

Security forces kicked off investigation into the case.

Comments 3
Missing imagine_1979 09 December 2016, 13:44

What a great coment man, couldnot expect less from u; so u think it was a gender incited murder? His wife used to beat him
And finaly killed him with the tanjaret el presto...
U are just another lame remnant of this archiacal society women suffer from everyday..
Disgusting as always flame, bravo...

Missing imagine_1979 09 December 2016, 13:46

This said 40 days missing and found dead in a car, our inteligience agiencies could have done better....

Thumb EagleDawn 10 December 2016, 23:44

just love the 'entertainment' you provide flametroller (':