Hizbullah Condemns Decision to Release Four 'Israeli Agents'
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Hizbullah criticized on Saturday military tribunal judge Alice Shabtini’s decision to release six convicted Israeli spies, questioning her motives and deeming the incident as a dangerous development, reported the daily An Nahar on Sunday.
The Hizbullah-backed al-Manar television station reported: “This is a dangerous precedent seeing as the accused only served a little more than a month of their 5 to 10-year sentences.”
It questioned the purpose of the release, the judge’s motives, and the timing of the incident.
“Who is she trying to prove herself to seeing as she is one of candidates to head the Higher Judicial Council?” it wondered.
Shabtini had released four of the six accused who have been convicted of collaborating with Israel, reported An Nahar.
The permanent military tribunal had sentenced them to 10 to 15 years in prison and they have been detained for two years and ten months, it added.
The four accused, who are members of the Alam family, won an appeal to reconsider their sentence and they were released, it explained.
Hizbullah deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem condemned the release of the accused, saying that it did not take into consideration their “rich history” of collaborating with Israel.
He stressed that the party will follow up on the issue through the “normal means,” reported An Nahar.
Shabtini told the daily that the decision to release them was unanimous.
She revealed that three of the released are very ill and they were costing the state heavy expenses.
She refuted claims that she took the decision to release them independently from the court, saying that four other officers also took the decision with her.
“I study each case very thoroughly and we all reached an agreement to release the four individuals,” the judge stressed.
“I follow the law and what it stipulates,” she added.
“Israel is my only enemy and all people should all be judged equally,” Shabtini said.

If this winning militia with its cowardly hiding leader didn’t exist or murder Lebanese, nobody would’ve spied. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

We did not see the thugs or their leadership complain or criticize the very same judge who accepted the appeal of fayez karam of the failed perished movement???? Apparently, the judge lashed back at hizb of thugs yesterday and said she used the same standards used in karam's case and she must treat all people equally.......!!!!!

I have a question for you Mr. Qasem,: what did you do with the so called CIA spies that you caught ?
Look under your feet before accusing others, there are still more of them in the Hezb ranks.

@sweating boy: are you an expert in the laws to insult people for doing their job? what elements make you say that this judge is a nazi apart from blindly following what hezb says?
could you give us the legal elements that makes you say that the judge didn t follow the law and freed these people out of love for israel?
or because the hezb said that so you just stupidly repeat what they say as a sheep it seems you are?
judge on facts not out of hatred and you would be credible.....

Stop this BS!! Everyone knows that the real enemy of Lebanon is NOT Israel but yes the Syrian Brothers.......

These criminals thugs and their propaganda machine are hurt. It seems to us all that they think they are always right and corruption free, but we all know they are rotten to the core. Time for a real resistance, time to free Lebanon.
I guess judges need to consult with thehizb before making any decision. Don't see them defending their friend from the FPM who was taken in with similar accusations. Also, the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty! This hizb has become a cancer in our society a d is becoming terminal for the nation...

Soon my friends all the collaborators with the criminal syrian regime will be prosecuted.

just look at any hizbushaitan parade and compare it to an old movie of the nazis, and you will have a clear view of who is the ennemy in the region.

long live Lebanon,
if anyone thinks that Israel is not our enemy than they should kill them selves!!
Lebanon has ONE enemy and that is ISRAEL... until we resolve that issue we will be in war with them forever...and anyone that takes money from them, or helps them is a spy that should be KILLED!!! NO MATTER HOW OLD!!
It's sad when i see all you people saying israel is not our enemy and that syria is...
wake up people, grow up people...
and defend your country from what is happening!
long live LEBANON

Has anyone noticed that no one cares what the Hezz say anymore?

Everyone understands that someone being paid by the CIA or Israel is considered a spy. But can someone please explain to me why a person working for Iran is not considered a spy?
Iran does not recruit from all sects, they recruit only from one sect. Is this in Lebanon's interest?
Hezbollah was FOUNDED and STARTED by Iran. Hezbollah receives 90% of their funding from Iran. Hezbollah is on the payroll of Iran. Hezbollah receives arms and bombs from Iran. Hezbollah gets militia and terrorism training in Iran. Does any need to be reminded that Iran is a foreign country?
Hezbollah members have been INDICTED for the killing of a former Prime Minister, and the political leader of the Sunni sect. Hezbollah is a subordinate division of the Iranian Quds Force, led by Qassem Suleimani. There is no possible way that Hezbollah could have carried out the murder of Rafik Hariri without the explicit orders coming from Suleimani.
Working for a foreign government is TREASON!!

Every single comment above is the reason why I left Lebanon. Li byifhamo fallo min Lebnen.... Lebanon is a battlefield and a ring to settle disagreements. All we do is promote it as one.

When will this ignoramus Sayed Hassan stop interfering with the judicial authorities ? When will he stop lying ? When will he stop harboring fugitives ? When will he start being Lebanese and stop being an Iranian stooge ? When When when ?.

HA, You deserve it after the way you kept silence on your buddy faiz Karam.

Sweating demon...... So your logic is that there is nothing for Iran to spy on, so Hezbollah can't be spies? Hmmmm, you better think about that argument a little more.
Have you forgotten about Rafik Hariri? Marwan Hamade? May Chidiac? Georges Hawi? There is evidence connecting Hezbollah to all these murders and attempted murders.
Were you aware that many others were also killed from 2005 to 2008? Pierre Gemayel, Gebran Tueini, Samir Kassir, Wissam Eid, Walid Eido, just to name a few. Some people might consider the murderers of Rafik to be suspects in these other murders.
Who is Iran you ask? Iran is one of the LEADING sponsors of terrorism. Of course you don't believe so, but the western world believes. Iran has dreams to be a regional power, and their plans for this include controlling Lebanon with their militia. Iran needs Assad in power to get arms to Hezbollah. Those who were a threat to Syrian domination in Lebanon were a target for Iran and Hezbollah.

@Sweating demon,
- Hezbollah has more spies in its organisation than anywhere else in Lebanon, so maybe they should transfer it to the judiciary as well, but oh wait, thats right, they have their own state to judge and rule, maybe you dont remember Sayyed hassoune the rat of the 1000 floors underground admit that 5 months ago?and we never heard about the issue again...
- Hezbollah is not capable of anything so you better wake up and see reality, their 5000 katiouchas rained on Israel during 2006 like snow flakes on an icy mountain, damaging just 2 or 3 rooftops, what an achievement...
- The lebanese forces are an institution that protected your country against Palestinians entering through The cairo accord and your syrian baathist brothers who controled the PFLP which was a palestinian-syrian terrorist organisation, i wonder maybe you forgot how the chiites got raped and murdered in the south by them?
- Did u forget Berri and Hezb bombing palestinian camps as well?

@ Sweating demon,
- Did Hezbollah forget how they blew Samer hanna's helicopter thinking it was an israeli apache? come on who are you kidding? they didnt make a difference between a shitty lebanese gazelle copter and an apache? they are either murderers or just unqualified to protect us, either way the responsible people didnt even get 3 month of prison for killing a LEBANESE soldier...
- Iran is the lesser evil? you must be kidding right? Both Iran and Israel are the sole ennemies of Lebanese, but what i see you dont see, you only see one ennemy, as usual, well maybe you ought to go live in Iran, tell me what did they give us? exept to Hezbollah ? where are their new missiles ? Shahab wou shaba7 wou borombo wou 3antar? pathetic, they dont want a strong lebanese army, only a strong Hezbollah, get that in your tiny brain of insect follower, by the way , how is the sun in your great courageous rat hole leader? and how are the daily meetings with Netanyahu and Mouallem?Hypocrites

brushing off comments does not take them away :) hizbushaitan has the same mentality as the nazis, whether you want to see it or not :)

to everyone that has allegiance to Iran and Syria:
If your house is made of glass don't throw stones on others
الذي بيته من زجاج، لا يرشق أحجار على جيرانه !

swearing_demon loool did I hit a soft spot? You’re so predictable. Nope I’m not ouwet. I’m with Lebanon. I don’t belong to any party as I don’t belive any of the existing parties really represent the Lebanese. Secularism is the only soloution for Lebanon. Religion is a private matter.