Family Gunfight Leaves Three Syrians Dead in Arsal

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

A gunfight that erupted overnight between two Syrian families in the outskirts of border town of Arsal, left three killed and several others injured, the National News Agency reported on Monday.

A family dispute escalated into a machine gun fight between two Syrian families, one hailing from the Syrian town of Yabroud and another from Ras al-Maara, NNA said.

The fight erupted in al-Malaab encampment and al-Jammaleh neighborhoods in Arsal.

Three Syrian nationals were killed. They were identified as Jihad and Abdo Rahmoun from Ras al-Maara and Hassan al-Rifai.

Other individuals were injured in the fight.

Comments 5
Thumb gigahabib 22 May 2017, 12:36

Lol, and you wonder who's causing trouble in Syria...

Thumb justin 22 May 2017, 14:13

please do tell

Thumb gigahabib 22 May 2017, 17:13

Guess, foulmouths.

Thumb Puppet 22 May 2017, 14:20

Mr. Mega Habib has earned my respect and admiration for his infrequent and meaningful posts and for that he deserves brownie points.

Thumb justin 22 May 2017, 18:51

We know who is causing trouble in Lebanon:)

أوقف النائب العام الاستئنافي في الجنوب القاضي رهيف رمضان المدعو صافي عز الدين المتهم بقتل زوجته ماجدة رضا حيدر في صور فجر الإثنين.

وبمواجهته بالأدلة اعترف بإقدامه على قتل المغدورة.

وكانت ماجدة رضا حيدر (مواليد 1970) قد وجدت صباحاً جثةً في منزلها في صور- حي الآثار- مبنى العجمي الطبقة الأولى، بعد طعنها بواسطة سكين.