Aoun Hopes Christmas Brings Peace to Lebanon, Region
President Michel Aoun on Sunday hoped Christmas will bring peace to Lebanon and the region.
In a tweet marking Christmas Eve, Aoun said: “On this blessed night, we hope the glad tidings of Christmas will engulf Lebanon and the Levant.”
“We hope it will bring joy, love and peace,” the president added.
So why doesn't he reach out to Israel to try and bring about peace between the two countries.
There is the famous English saying - Actions speak louder than words.
Typicall of this coward attitude : waiting from others or from miracles to solve your own problems you don't want to face yourself. You want peace ? Just act, you can do many things for that M. President.
Mr. President, what a pity that by your stubbonness you have prevented yourself, and many other Lebanese Christians, from celebrating Christmas in Jerusalem or Nazareth.