Geagea: Whole of Lebanon, Not Just Beirut, Must be Stripped of Arms

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea welcomed on Wednesday Beirut lawmakers’ calls for the establishment of an arms-free capital, noting that Lebanon would be living in “very flawed” circumstances if such a goal is not achieved.

He told Free Lebanon radio: “The whole of Lebanon, not just Beirut, should be stripped of weapons and armed groups.”

He questioned however the official authorities’ ability to achieve this goal, saying that no arms had been confiscated and no gunmen have been arrested in any of the armed clashes that had erupted in Lebanon over the past few years.

The LF leader explained the authorities’ failure to fulfill their roles can be attributed to the people, army, and resistance equation, “which some sides are exploiting” to legitimize any action.

On Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn’s statements that al-Qaida members had infiltrated Lebanon through Syria, Geagea remarked: “The army and security forces are obligated to tackle this issue.”

“If the claims are false, then why are the people being intimidated?” he wondered.

“Why hasn’t the army been deployed in the areas that have witnessed alleged infiltration of terrorists?” he asked.

Comments 10
Missing elielebnan 21 December 2011, 15:16

Bravo ya Kaed, say it as it is. Elie

Missing allouchi 21 December 2011, 15:18

“The whole of Lebanon, not just Beirut, should be stripped of weapons and armed groups.”

A true leader and straight to the point ya Hakim, god bless.

Default-user-icon Abu Pierre (Guest) 21 December 2011, 15:56

The only TRUE LEADER in the whole middle east.

Default-user-icon Minx (Guest) 21 December 2011, 16:34

Ya sweating_Demon, the FPM as we knew it is non and void...
Tell your Crazy General to refer back to the Orange Book, it seems that he is well and truly loosing his BRAIN..

As for the Arms...Well We have always been supporting it when it was used against Israel..But when it started to get out of control and used at the sillyist debate terrorizing Lebanese residents in all cities, it became a tremendous liability, specially on the resistance..Let's be objective man ;)

Thumb geha 21 December 2011, 16:51

being Lebanese means think firstly about the needs of Lebanon, and not palestinian/syrian/iranian/arab/us/european needs.
simply put, do what is best for lebanon. and here we need to think out of the box, as cliches that have been imposed on us for so many years, actually mean nothing.
the enemy, as history has shown us, is everybody not lebanese.
friends, are those who assist us in doing what WE decide is best for lebanon.

Thumb geha 21 December 2011, 16:52

@misinformed little demon
hizbushaitan supplied FPM iranian made weapons which they are selling around :)

Missing peace 22 December 2011, 00:23

fire arms IS the issue... how can anyone sensible think that a political party can be stronger than the state itself and has the decision of war and peace and not the government?
how can anyone sensible tolerate the threats these arms have for the stability of lebanon?
how can anyone sensible tolerate that a party takes the arms and terrorizes a nation because they didn t agree with the government?
how can anyone sensible tolerate that under the threat of arms they obliged a politician to change side?

those who think that a lebanese party has the right to be stronger than the national army just don t believe in their country...

those who believe in a stable sovereign and independent state should ask for all parties to disarm and surrender them to the NATIONAL army... but when parties pledge allegiance to a foreign nation or thank a foreign country for the horrors they did in lebanon, what can you expect from them....

Thumb Chupachups 22 December 2011, 04:54

Peace said it all !

Default-user-icon mich (Guest) 22 December 2011, 09:31

Haters gonna hate..thats all i can say
This kan is simply saying let the army go and investigate instead of the defense minister running his mouth on tv, a proposal i think every decent lebanese should actually want

If ure against that, my first statement is addressed to u..u are blinded by ur hate but know that it will consume u sooner or later

Thumb joesikemrex 22 December 2011, 10:51

Time to free lebanon from these thugs and their propaganda lies. Time for a real resistance