Hariri on Syria Bombing: Syrian Foreign Ministry Statements are Fabricated by it and Lebanese Pawns

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Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri noted on Friday that some members of the Lebanese government are seeking to drag Lebanon onto a path of terrorism through covering up the Syrian regime’s crimes.

He made his statements in light of the twin bomb attacks that took place in Damascus earlier on Friday and the Syrian Foreign Ministry’s statements that Lebanon had warned earlier this week that members of al-Qaida had infiltrated the country.

Hariri said via Twitter: “The Syrian Foreign Ministry’s statements are fabricated by it and some of its Lebanese pawns.”

In addition, he stated that the regime in Syria “is specialized in exporting terrorism.”

Asked if the bombings were a sign that the regime was targeting the Arab League observers, the former premier replied: “This is a great possibility.”

“The regime does not hesitate to commit the most heinous of crimes,” he stressed.

Arab League observers arrived in Syria on Thursday to monitor its implementation of a League initiative aimed at ending violence against anti-regime protesters.

Suicide bombers hit two security service bases in Damascus on Friday killing more than 30 people and casting a pall over the first day of work of an Arab observer mission intended to oversee an end to nine months of bloodshed.

The bombings, which officials blamed on al-Qaida, were the first attacks against Syria's powerful security services in the heart of the capital since the uprising began and overshadowed new protests against President Bashar al-Assad's regime.

Comments 37
Default-user-icon Mohsen Tarabulsi (Guest) 23 December 2011, 16:13

Saad hariri why does your family fund jund el sham? Your auntie acknowledged this hence the nickname "jund el sitt". Why are you allied with the extremist salafites? They voted you in even. Why? And why do you keep on praising saudi arabia and other dictator rulers? Have you no shame in you? People like you can never defeat syria because you are hypocrites throwing stone while sitting in a glass house. You even hold democracy gatherings under the image of king abdullah. Just be quiet. I hate the bashar el asad regime more than you do and unlike you i have never kissed or hugged bashar el asad, my father was not apponted PM by hafez al asad, nor did i ignore all the crimes of the syrian regime just bcuz it suited my career like you. In case someone wants to call me syrian bootlicker. You are a disgrace to Muslims ya saad. May you fall together with the monster bashar.

Default-user-icon tabbara and proud (Guest) 23 December 2011, 16:26

I like March 14 and Hariri. but if the syrian regime is so bad, then why did he exhonorate them from his father's murder? I still think syria did it

Default-user-icon me (Guest) 23 December 2011, 16:48

Amazing timing huh! Lebanese gvt declares al qaeda crossed the borders and two days later suicide terrorist attack in damascus (we have the best intelligence services in the world). Even a 12 year old kid could have been more subtle than that.... Now Bachar has a good cover to go and finish the job...

Default-user-icon Karim66 (Guest) 23 December 2011, 16:49

why not declare war on Syria, on behalf of Lebanon while you are living in France :)

Thumb geha 23 December 2011, 17:02

as a matter of fact, I am surprised at everyone who comments this subject whether pro or against! who are you people to do so?
who appointed any of you to accuse whoever? whoever the murderers are, they are just that. if any of the protagonists killed the other then fine, but killing innocent people is not.
people are dying and suffering, at least respect that.

Default-user-icon Jam. A. (Guest) 23 December 2011, 17:49

Mr Hariri has put it right. Only a sub-grown baboon could believe a single atom from Assads Gang's thick four-legged propaganda. Damascus bombings are standard genuine Assads Gang's (& its "Lebanese" oozing) brand mark: Like in lebanon for 30 years, like in Iraq since 2003, like in Palestine, like in Saudi Arabia, like in Paris in the 80's, like in Madrid, like like like etc. Sickened degenerated minds who really think they're Machiavels, while they're nothing but desperate yet much too long dying corpses. Inernational Affairs show no mercy with hillbilly amateurs.

Thumb jabalamel 23 December 2011, 18:06

the filthy zionist information war department is trying to equalize the death of a innocent civilian with the death of their mercenaries.

Default-user-icon Bumba (Guest) 23 December 2011, 18:21

The son of the biggest Lebanese pawn and profiteer from the Syrian's NECESSARY, LEGAL AND TEMPORARY presence has the nerve to call others pawns! What an idiot.

Default-user-icon N.R (Guest) 23 December 2011, 18:26

what a fool

Missing hmorsel 23 December 2011, 19:05

He is trying to defend Lebanon, his country, at least some one is finally with balls to defend their country since everyone else is too busy defending Syria the country who destroyed lebanon. everyone shoudl learn to pledge allegiance to his country like this man did. a bunch of hypocrits

Thumb jabalamel 23 December 2011, 19:51

hmorsel has mixed saudi arabia with lebanon. you can do that only if you not just zionist but very uneducated zionist

Default-user-icon vick (Guest) 23 December 2011, 20:13

Jabalamel ,what the word zionist means to u ??

Missing realist 23 December 2011, 21:37

HABAL AMEL , funny you speak of "holes" when your master in da7iye has been in a hole since his "victory" in 2006 !! hahahahaaha

Thumb chrisrushlau 23 December 2011, 21:53

When things calm down in Lebanon, we'll be able to have "one person, one vote," but before then it is necessary to give Christians an electoral advantage over Muslims and Sunnis an electoral advantage over Shiites. Only in this way can we meet the regional challenges without embarrassing Paris, from whom we buy our military berets.

Thumb shab 23 December 2011, 22:02

Pull out the observers and bomb Syria

Missing zdm343 23 December 2011, 22:34

hariri and his supporters care about syria more than Lebanon. They even raised syrian flags not Lebanese in their last rally in tripoli to celebrate Lebanon's independence!!!

Default-user-icon Jam. A. (Guest) 23 December 2011, 22:48

jabalamel? or jabalamîl? according to wal known traditions? What are the wages (in New Israeli shekels) among banî hazbal-sha'shah'-dahiyeh nowadays?

Missing hmorsel 23 December 2011, 23:38

Jabalamel, why are you and your friends in Hizb, amal, Wahhab and other more interested in Syria's and Iran's well being than ours in Libanon? you like them so much, packup your tents and ur iranian parks and moped and move there and leave us the hell a lone will you

Missing hmorsel 23 December 2011, 23:42

ZDM343, you are out of your rockers my friend, those demonstrations in tripoli were in support of the poor syrian people being killed by Assad and his goons. since they have been abandoned by the arabs. noow if this was the US or NATO who killed one of these poor civilians, then teh whole arab world will be up in arms, burnig american flags and etc.. but since its our "ssisterly" syria doing it, then its ok, the civilians are just terrorists..

Default-user-icon Truthhurt (Guest) 23 December 2011, 23:59

Assad never cared about bombing East Beirut or Zahle or Knat or Tripoli because his blood is Hafez Assad who destroyed Hamah on the heads of its people, so enough BS defending the terrorist head of Syria and licking his boot so that Iran's weapons can crawl to the Lebanese rats who hide in their holes and leave the Leb Army shoot at the Zionist planes, why the zionist do not fly over the Golan? because the terrorist regime uses our land and its people/infrastructure to attack the zionists.

Default-user-icon cobler (Guest) 24 December 2011, 00:01

Syrian foreign ministry spokesman Jihad Makdessi to OTV: The Salafist ideology and al-Qaida’s ideology are behind what happened today in Syria, as we have heard Ayman al-Zawahiri’s statements and read the Lebanese defense minister’s remarks about the infiltration of an al-Qaida group through Arsal to Syria.

Those idiots can't even get their own story straight, the Lebanese defense minister said they were titillating into Lebanon from Syria numbnut.


Missing peace 24 December 2011, 01:50

leave poor jabelamel alone : he doesn t understand what he is talking about, he just repeats like a parrot what he hears from his master. those who answer to him are just making him happy : he feels important, so just ignore him as you would ignore a piece of shit in the street... he is just the perfect representative of what hareket amal is made of..

Default-user-icon Aboudi (Guest) 24 December 2011, 07:40

Jabal Dabasi, first of all he's living a very luxurious life. The one who's living in a shit hole is your Hassouna. Second of all you are right about one thing, whoever supports Syria over Lebanon should give up his Lebanese citizenship...but guess who would be the first to do so !?? YOU THUGS

Thumb tabasco 24 December 2011, 10:34

Knowing the Syrian mukhabarat since the time of Abdul Hamid Assaraj , I see no change in the system . The Assad regime follows suit ! It is therefore very likely that that the bombing was a creation of the bankrupt regime .

Default-user-icon iNcorruptible (Guest) 24 December 2011, 11:32

The only feeling that comes when reading your comments is pity. Pity Lebanon for it has thugs like you who claim to love this country.

Default-user-icon Jabbour123 (Guest) 24 December 2011, 12:07

Totally agree with Tabasco.

Default-user-icon marie (Guest) 24 December 2011, 12:35

habal hamel, Harriri will be back whether you like it or hassouni hates it or berri loves it....it is irrelevant. he will be back to rule

Default-user-icon Horton (Guest) 24 December 2011, 15:36

His father, may he never rest in peace, was Syria's all-time, biggest and filthiest pawn for over 15 years until he was barbecued in the best barbecue party the Lebanese have ever witnessed. But Saad, a certified idiot according to his master and commander Jeffy Jeff is incapable of thinking, and whatever comes out of his trap amounts to nothing more than immature and childish blabber, like a child crying for his pacifier.

Thumb shab 24 December 2011, 16:30

Bomb Syria

Thumb jabalamel 24 December 2011, 17:56

why don't you bomb syria?

Thumb jabalamel 24 December 2011, 17:56

oh yes i forgot...you can't. you are no one and nothing

Thumb jabalamel 24 December 2011, 17:56

oh yes i forgot...you can't. you are no one and nothing

Default-user-icon Ramy Bourami (Guest) 25 December 2011, 02:01

@popa, you are a real loser and probably working for Naharnet considering that they are known for hiring losers. I recommend that you start using your last name "idiot?" After all, it is your family name.

Thumb insider 25 December 2011, 09:08

@Horton aka Isomabu: By changing names and aliases you think you can hide this uncalled for bitter hatred? You really are so evil. May God forgive you!

Default-user-icon Aboudi (Guest) 25 December 2011, 10:56

@ Horton, may God barbecue you, your family and every single person on earth who thinks and acts like you..Rafik Hariri was a big loss to all Lebanese... unfortunately some people would want Lebanon to be a shit hole so Hassouna can feel at home...hahaha

Default-user-icon Bashto (Guest) 25 December 2011, 12:11

And then what hatred are you guys talking about re. Isomablu or Horton or whatever, huh? The guy's father IS the type that you hate, i.e. a PAWN. No? He was a filthy and low-life pawn until he was made into SMOKED BACON and you cannot deny this unless you are dumb like dumbo Saad (according to JeffyJeff). But then you call someone who simply describes a man by what he really was a hater!!! This someone is simply the messenger. So are you stupid or simply retards?

Default-user-icon Rob (Guest) 26 December 2011, 04:31

this article is such a shame! If this man has little decency and respect for his followers, he would've shut up until an investigation is made and supported his assessment with proof! Not another propaganda assessment! What's the point of throwing counter accusations without a proof? It's equally valid and equally wrong! Saad el Hariri will likely never come back to Lebanon in politics and he will live his life happy around the world with his billions while the rest of Lebanon is left to their own faith!