Jumblat: An Offer for Settlement Doesn’t Mean Relinquishing Principles


Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat emphasized on Wednesday that his offer to make a settlement to ease the government formation process must not be taken as a relinquishment of the party’s principles.

“Appealing to all political parties to make concessions is required, but beware of misinterpreting it as a relinquishment of principles,” said Jumblat in a tweet on Wednesday.

After announcing willingness to ease the PSP demands in order to help the formation process, Jumblat said that Wednesday’s “clarifications is necessary in order to silence the sounds of discontent and the hoot of owls.” he said.

On Monday, Jumblat hinted that he could agree to offer “concessions” regarding his party's share in the new government.

“A settlement is necessary and it is not wrong to offer concessions for the sake of the country,” he had said, referring to the stalled formation process.

Jumblat had been insisting on getting all three Druze seats for his PSP but has recently shown some flexibility. Lebanese Democratic Party chief MP Talal Arslan, backed by President Michel Aoun and the Free Patriotic Movement, has stressed that he has the right to get one of the Druze seats.

In remarks he made to al-Joumhouria daily on Wednesday, Arslan refused Jumblat's latest “offer” saying he would “either accept three centrist Druze ministers or that Jumblat names two ministers” while he names the third.

Comments 1
Missing ysurais 10 October 2018, 12:05

" An Offer for Settlement Doesn’t Mean Relinquishing Constants"..
“either accept three ...
they talked to me, or they did not talk to me, we have agreed or we have not reach a deal.. ect, ect, ect..

we are tired of uu all... politicians are useless, unfit, corrupt, good for nothing.. plsss go away for z lord sake leave us alone and what remains of this country..