Report: Breakthrough in Govt. Lineup Looms as Obstacles Ease


Signs of a breakthrough in the government formation started to emerge, most importantly is the end of a “political breakup” between the Lebanese Forces and Free Patriotic Movement after Wednesday’s meeting between FPM chief Jebran Bassil and LF Minister Melhem Riachi, Ashraq al-Awsat daily reported Thursday.

Sources well-informed about the consultations told the daily that the “final touches” are being made, and the government formation is expected to be announced later this week or at the beginning of next week at the latest, after Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri returns from Geneva.

However, they pointed to some minor “emergency” obstacles that emerged in the last 24 hours, ensuring that it was “solvable.”

Besides the finance ministry portfolio, Speaker Nabih Berri wants to be allocated the social affairs portfolios. Armenian parties demand the allocation of two ministerial seats and refuse to give up one of the them in favor of the minorities, the sources explained.

But they assured that the newly emerging problems can be resolved.

As for the Lebanese Forces demand to get the justice ministry portfolio -which the FPM also wants to allocate- they said an agreement on this would clarify the final “government map.”

“Consultations are still ongoing. A final decision has not been reached yet,” said LF sources to the daily, emphasizing that positive atmospheres prevail.

They said the meeting yesterday between Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil and Riachi has ended the political rift between the two against the backdrop of the ministerial quotas.

Positive signals towards the near formation of the government continued Wednesday. The Presidency media office said President Michel Aoun was following closely on the progress, and has stressed the need to lineup a government to face the challenges ahead.

Comments 1
Thumb thepatriot 19 October 2018, 15:27

yeah yeah... and what a STRONG President we have huh!? LOL...