Hariri Slams More Killings in Syria, Says Observers Should Say the Truth

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Former Premier Saad Hariri slammed the Syrian regime on Monday for killing more protestors despite the presence of observers seeking to implement an Arab deal endorsed by Syria.

“It’s unbelievable,” Hariri tweeted, adding that the Syrian regime said it wants reform and signed the Arab protocol but continued its deadly crackdown on protestors.

The deal calls for the withdrawal of the military from towns and residential districts, a halt to violence against civilians and the release of detainees.

The Assad regime thinks that signing the protocol gives it a “license to kill,” he said on twitter.

“It’s time for Arab League observers to say the truth, the full story and not like Bashar (Assad) regime wants it,” he tweeted.

Hariri also criticized Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem, saying he “was lying like he lied with his video tape he showed.”

When asked by one follower if he would one day visit Syria and meet with President Bashar Assad, he replied: “No I won't.”

Asked about the latest controversy that erupted over statements made by Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn on al-Qaida, Hariri said: “It's been 7 years talking about al-Qaida in Lebanon starting from Abou Adass it's all a big lie.”

A man named Ahmed Abu Adass has falsely claimed to be the suicide bomber in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination on behalf of a fictitious fundamentalist group using the name “Victory and Jihad in Greater Syria.”

Comments 21
Thumb hakawati 02 January 2012, 12:05

This Micro-Hariri doesn't know when to shut up.
It is hypocrisy in the very best.
He should say the truth about the false witnesses he created.

Missing peace 02 January 2012, 12:40

i guess hakawati that you prefer women and children to be killed in syria... typical cowardness of M8 supporters that supports a regime that kills its own citizens...such a pity

oh by the way: is it because this regime killed hundreds of lebanese that you admire it? or becauseit has harmed lebanon more than israel ever did? or maybe because it has stolen the state? ah! no let me guess it is because they tortured and humiliated lebanese that you love it and still support it!!!! a resisting country that never did a thing to free the golan heights in 30 years!

Missing peace 02 January 2012, 13:18

hakawati: then i guess i invented all what happened in lebanon for 35 years...
by the way: the article is about killings in syria not about hariri then i guess you are out of line...so criticize what he says and prove he is wrong rather than criticizing the man!
but i guess you have no arguments to prove he is wrong so you attack the man, so easy, so M8 !!!

Default-user-icon Proud Libnani (Guest) 02 January 2012, 13:38

@peace, do not bother responding to these supporters of M8(Hizballah=Assad=Iran) Thugs!! Assad days are numbered. Once hes gone M8 will collapse & then Lebanon will prosper....

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) 02 January 2012, 13:53

This filthy hypocrite defended the Saudi and Bahraini regimes in their violent crackdown against peaceful protesters! What a fool! ONE WAY TICKET!

Default-user-icon jack (Guest) 02 January 2012, 14:08

Hariri, if you truly beleive that the monitors aren't doing their job, why don't you send your own monitors, if you can afford the SNC or LCC you can pay off those peopole too.
My friend <what goeos around comes around>
if you are a truly politician you don't burn bridges with anyone
Remember accusing Syria of your fathers death, and without apoligizing as PM you went to Damascus

Thumb hakawati 02 January 2012, 14:25

I criticize the Saudi Micro-Hariri because he has enough skeletons rattling around in his closet to fill a cemetery. Would be better for him to be quiet.

Default-user-icon Optimistic (Guest) 02 January 2012, 14:33

Sure he is going to syria, since the syrian regime is on its way to collapse. I wonder why you guys use obscene words? is it your culture? is it an indicator for your "Civilization"?

Default-user-icon KO (Guest) 02 January 2012, 15:03

wl sama zar3a.... Lana you are such an ignorant that I wish what is happening with syrian people will happen with you

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (Guest) 02 January 2012, 16:04

@hakawati: Did you miss posting your constructive comments when three Lebanese in Wadi Khaled were killed few days ago? and by the way your masters are professionals in the assassination/shabiha activities as well as hiding and protecting criminals such as Mughnieh, and the four suspects.

Thumb jabalamel 02 January 2012, 17:29

give up on lebanese citizenship and take syrian.

Thumb jabalamel 02 January 2012, 17:45

the filthy zionist information war department is halucinating that they harmed lebanon less than syria

Default-user-icon Murad (Guest) 02 January 2012, 18:02

Before you Lebanese become spokesmen for the Golan, you should listen to the people of the Golan who poured out in support of president Bashar al-Asad from the start and still are today. But of course it must be all shabbi7a and mukhabarat right?

Default-user-icon Optimistic (Guest) 02 January 2012, 18:10

Administrator!! where is my comment? Please reply.

Missing applesandoranges 02 January 2012, 19:17

Hizbullha's cronies are so brainwashed that the lives of thousands of innocent people, and the fate of a whole nation for that matter, does not phase them. Their best retorts are personal attacks.

Missing peace 02 January 2012, 23:00

murad: the point is still why is the assad s regime so coward as to never fire a shot to free golan but are so quick in killing syrian citizens?!!!!
but that seems to rejoice you when children are killed but no soldiers dare do a thing to free golan from israel, cowards....

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 03 January 2012, 10:10

I agree

Missing aboulabed 03 January 2012, 10:48

@ Murad, have you ever asked yourself why people of Golan support Assad!!? The reason is because they don't want to go back to the Syrian standard of life...by supporting Assad, they make sure Golan Heights will always be under Israel control and which makes their life easier....

Thumb jabalamel 03 January 2012, 11:48

the filthy zionist information war department is trying to portray the patriotic lebanese as "brainwashed".

they always see things according to themselves.

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 03 January 2012, 12:32

yes, they are trying to portray the patriotic lebanese and always according to themselves

Missing peace 03 January 2012, 16:10

bravo jabalamel: you still are giving a great image of yourself and your party! still depth in your analysis and undeniable facts to support your comments! we only have to agree with such truth you are enlightening us with!
no doubt you have a fan! you are a PROPHET!!!!