Franjieh Defends Ghosn, Says the Campaign against him Targets the Army

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Marada leader Suleiman Franjieh defended Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn over his statements on the presence of al-Qaida in Lebanon, saying

President Michel Suleiman and Premier Najib Miqati know that the information is true.

“What he (Ghosn) said is that some terrorists are infiltrating through the Syrian border and the cabinet adopted the decision of the defense minister,” Franjieh said in a press conference.

He said the army has reports about the presence of al-Qaida in the eastern border town of Arsal but slammed critics who are denying such information.

“The attack on the minister is an indirect attack on the military institution to hinder its role,” Franjieh said.

While saying that he backed the Syrian regime, Franjieh stressed that his movement wouldn’t take any step that would come at the expense of Lebanon.

Members of the March 14-led opposition had labeled Ghosn, who is loyal to Franjieh, as the defense minister of Syria, accusing him of waging a campaign of "disinformation."

The Marada leader also accused the Lebanese state of slackness. The army should take its responsibility on the matter, he said.

Franjieh indirectly criticized Miqati for covering up the alleged presence of al-Qaida in Lebanon. Miqati had said the military found no concrete evidence of the presence of the terrorist network or any other organized group in Arsal, a Sunni town.

He is trying to preserve his Sunni sect, the Marada chief said about the premier.

He also slammed Suleiman for seeking to save his reputation by trying to cover-up the issue.

Comments 32
Missing peace 02 January 2012, 12:25

hahaha! clown number two!!

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 02 January 2012, 12:54

whoever wants to fight syria s regime has the right , all who want to fight them should gather and go INSIDE syria by thousands and fight and die there

Default-user-icon Gorbachev (Guest) 02 January 2012, 13:57

the lowest politician's level

Default-user-icon Mohammad_ca (Guest) 02 January 2012, 14:32

the only terrorists in Lebanon are hizbollah.

Default-user-icon Gorbachev (Guest) 02 January 2012, 15:21

Ce mec incarne le politicien de niveau tres bas!! c'est vraiment un Clown! premierement il faut avoir le Baccalaureat et ne pas heriter la politique et le pouvoir et apres on pourra en discute.... Gorbachev

Missing youssefhaddad 02 January 2012, 15:24

lebanese who claim to be the brightest minds in the Middle East do call such diminutive mind, their leader.

Default-user-icon mr sarge (Guest) 02 January 2012, 15:28

So lemme get this straight so both the President of the Republic and the prime minister are lying and covering for al-Qaeda and the poster child for the Syrian occupation's oppression and marginalization of the Christian for fifteen years, rewarded with riches and ministerial portfolios in every government between 1990 and 2005, is the only honorable truthful one. Slimy Frangieh is still pissed at President Sleiman, then army commander, for not carrying out his orders on March 14 2005 to stop the unarmed demonstrators by any means necessary.

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (Guest) 02 January 2012, 15:40

Bunch of looser & shoe licker of the Assad terrorist regime. You and your dad are worse than any terrorist for shooting people in the church in your own town, your house is full of glass as there is no way for you to throw any rocks at others, How about smuggling arms and illegal goods thru Batroun port. You have divided the Country and turned it sectarian such as farms belonging to Marada and another you just call it Sunni Arsal, Be quiet with Ghosn as you made no sense, terrorists infiltrated through the border? if they came from Arsal and entered Syria or the other way around, infiltrated from Syria and returning to it? if you have no clue then the defense minister must resign now. Do something as picking up the phone and send Units to swipe the enter area with Helicopters and Ground forces (i.e. Nahr el Bared). Enough B.S people and kissing up for the Syrian regime like your dad when he went to hide from the authorities in Damascus.

Thumb tabasco 02 January 2012, 15:47

ya 7aram eshoom ! no comment ; silence is gold !

Default-user-icon Vaclav Havel (Guest) 02 January 2012, 15:49


Default-user-icon Gebrannnn (Guest) 02 January 2012, 16:29

who's this guy!!! pathetic!!!! 3anjad

Default-user-icon fadi (Guest) 02 January 2012, 16:34

altoyor 3ala ashkaliha taka3o

Missing vaclav_havel 02 January 2012, 16:40

Who's this guy? Pathetic... Go try to get your Bacalaureate

Default-user-icon arturo (Guest) 02 January 2012, 16:47

Your future president vaclav_havel. You don't deserve any better.

Default-user-icon Lubnan Awalan (Guest) 02 January 2012, 16:56

Would Like to congratulate the Syrian Puppet Sleiman Frangieh faithfully defending His Blood Sucker Master Bashar and his Criminal Regime ..and inform Him That His Lies and those of his protege Ghosn will not be swallowed by the public opinion (Numerous denials prove)
Don't Involve the National Army to cover your the irresponsibility of the Ghosn,,,the only attacks on our Army were triggered by your Masters and Allies


Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 02 January 2012, 16:58

Yet, the army doesn't deploy on the border for this fraud, nor do they deploy where Lebanese are being shot by the Syrian army.

Nobody believes this fool.

Default-user-icon Nicolas 3hakkari (Guest) 02 January 2012, 17:30

The genesis of the Shabbi7a phenomenon owes much to the Assad-Frangiyyeh family business links.
This Ali-Baba cross-border caravan system which has been in action for decades, was inherited by the sons and operates basically at under cover of night when hundreds of Frangiyyeh/Assad unhindered "ants" shuttle contraband stuff(cigarettes, diesel etc) at night between Akkar and Tal-Kalakh-Homs and through these points to all parts of the countries. This multi-million maffioso link is currently hampered and faces imminent death if the faltering "secular" regime in Syria peters out.Its staff, especially the Syrian members are being "alternatively" employed where they can be most useful: Shabbi7a.

Thumb jabalamel 02 January 2012, 17:30

the filthy zionist information war department can't really remember the names of all patriotic politicians.

Thumb jabalamel 02 January 2012, 17:34

the filthy zionist information war department, losing motivation and inspiration, started to quote on star wars movies, like they understand the meaning of those statements.

Default-user-icon mfawaz (Guest) 02 January 2012, 18:31

to quote habaljameh from 3 days ago on al Qaeda in Lebanon "our glorious resistance and army cleaned the garbage in glorious victories on may 7 and on nahr el bared"

so the if the army and resistance cleaned the garbage in 2007 and 2008 respectively it mean that they are not here anymore and that habaljameh disagrees with Ghosn and Frangieh. But sadly his forgets his own comments due to his constant self head banging that turned his so called brain* into jello, but that's OK we are inclusive on this board and there's always room for jello.

*not that there was anything much there to write home about after all habaljameh is a member of the Nasrallah named coveted bee2at al hadeenat for Zionist spies, but still.

Thumb 02 January 2012, 18:55

I agree and repeat everything you say my hero!

Thumb 02 January 2012, 19:05

yeslam timak my hero

Default-user-icon toufic a. (Guest) 02 January 2012, 19:09

jabalamel take your boyfriend and go to gayarab dot com by Shiites for Shiites, you won't be disappointed.

Thumb shab 02 January 2012, 19:44

Ok he said it, Ghosn said but where's the proof ?

Missing castro 02 January 2012, 22:03

Another one bites the dust! I am so disappointed at the state of affairs in Lebanon and the disgusting level which our politicians have reached. May God save Lebanon.
Another advise to all my fellow bloggers, please keep it civil and real.

Default-user-icon shirley (Guest) 02 January 2012, 22:32

Muslims are weak idiots bush terrorist al baharad not alqeida and no core al qeida in Libya US makes anyone alqeida wake up even australians Al qeida how many innocent people in early yrs of war on terror detained in Arab countries and kidnapped because US says they are al qeida Us plays alqeida card all the time and muslims fall for it every time Us Zionists play you like a fiddle you allowyourselves to be drawn into this trap

Thumb jabalamel 02 January 2012, 22:43

the filthy zionist information war department has made an essay about the religion in west europe in order to show how hezb'allah is damaging to lebanon.


and other stupidities, but not worth of commenting

Thumb 03 January 2012, 10:20

I agree about this totally. Not worth commenting

Missing lemaalajab 03 January 2012, 13:27

the filthy iranian information war department has made an essay about the religion in west europe in order to show how hezb'allah is good to lebanon.


and other stupidities, but not worth of commenting

Thumb thepatriot 03 January 2012, 14:16

Ya habal jabal! Have u created another profile to try to give yourself more consistance?? Here's news for you: You Failed :-)

Thumb 03 January 2012, 16:57

the filthy zionist information war department is making stupid accusations but nobody cares about their opinion. They think everybody like themselves

Thumb thepatriot 03 January 2012, 18:46

Well that's confirmed now :-)