Bassil Briefs al-Rahi on 'Obstruction' of FPM Ministers Plans

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Energy and Water Minister Jebran Bassil on Tuesday said he visited Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi in Bkirki to “inform him of the deliberate obstruction” of the plans proposed by the ministers of the Free Patriotic Movement in cabinet.

“The seat of the patriarchate is the place that gathers everyone and preserves the principles, that’s why we have to inform His Eminence of all the vital information and the fears and concerns we live daily with as ministers, whether concerning the administration or the appointments,” Bassil told reporters after the meeting.

He also said he briefed the patriarch about “the deliberate obstruction of efforts that would benefit all the Lebanese.”

“We’re concerned with keeping His Eminence in the picture of all the difficulties we go through, because through our coordination and cooperation we can overcome a lot of problems,” Bassil added.

On November 25 the cabinet postponed one of its sessions due to lack of quorum after the Change and Reform bloc ministers boycotted the meeting.

Back then, Bassil described the move as a “first warning to their (the ministers’) objection to the government’s performance.”

Comments 24
Default-user-icon Fled Pappy Micho (Guest) 03 January 2012, 21:11

There is no need for this Mr 1Bassil everyone knows, including Patriarch Raii, that no one plans obstruction better than FPM ministers. In fact they are known around the cabinet table as the Failed Pathetic Ministers.

Default-user-icon failed patriotic thug (Guest) 03 January 2012, 21:20

You fought and argued with the syrians, with samir gaegae, with rafik hariri, with saniora, with saad hariri...... with....with....... ! Always you are right and everybody else is wrong. Invariably, you are the righteous people and everybody else is evil. You are the reformists and they are corrupt. We are so tired of you, of who you represent, and what you stand for. The lebanese are not stupid. Explain to them how a young thug like you has nearly bought half of batroun and jbeil and owns a $21 million private plane. I wish that finger of yours pointed at your thick head is a loaded gun! Truly, you are a miracle child.....

Default-user-icon GB MA's favorite SIL (Guest) 03 January 2012, 21:20

We took an X-Ray and it turns out there is a small mouse in there running inside a small wheel now every few hours I have to shove some cheese into my ear or up my nose or it will starve to death, I got a letter of thanks from PETA.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 03 January 2012, 21:30

Look at my finger....inside here....there is nothing, absolutely nothing.

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (Guest) 03 January 2012, 23:19

So lemme get this straight smelly_demon in your "mind" a new "good" is when a minister votes for a bill that he calls illogical and says would lead to the collapse of the national economy and you call them idiots!.

Default-user-icon ReaLeb (Guest) 03 January 2012, 23:20

Sweating pig, you're just as hilarious as Jabal Ameel. Where do you guys get this stuff? Too funny.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 03 January 2012, 23:20

The obstruction of the FPM caused their taking power for 6 months. Ha Ha Ha....your friends the Hezz are not happy about it.

Why don't you just pass another no smoking law or something instead of crying to the Patriarch? It is you guys who trashed the last Patriarch at every possible turn.

Missing marie 03 January 2012, 23:48

What a bunch of farts Aoun & company are! They should hang them from the nearest tree!

Default-user-icon Muhamada (Guest) 04 January 2012, 01:10

Lebanese electricity condition got worst when Aoun and his allies became in charge and more other corruption all over the place including conspiracy against the people of Lebanon and Lebanese army. Lebanese have enough natural energy to improve their daily needs, but the wrong leadership is to blame for the delay in helping people to get better future.

Missing peace 04 January 2012, 02:28

sweating baby: you forgot that between 2006 and 2008 M8 waged a war, blocked the parliament and so on... and you are accusing M14 of doing nothing? how easy it is for you showing how empty your brain is...

easy to accuse M14 of blocking your government when you have the whole power right in your hands! it s all you have been dreaming for since the day you killed hariri! so rejoice now instead of throwing the blame on others to hide your incompetency!
i guess your dream is to have a dictatorship ruling lebanon like in syria which you admire so much!

so childish behavior, doesn t surprise me, so M8!

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (Guest) 04 January 2012, 03:40

smelly_demon as much as I would like to take credit for the "collapse of the economy" quote I was merely borrowing it from a very good friend of yours. You see while you were lost that familiar drug induced stupor you've got us accustomed to, your new "good" tourism minister Abboud was saying it about his comrade Nahass "wage correction" even after he'd voted for it, you can see him in all his multiple record breaking glory saying it to as many TV stations as he could, YouTube is your friend. But why bother, I bet even after you see him saying it you will call your own eyes close minded, liars such is the magnitude of your stupidity. But there is a silver lining to all this you happen to be a very lucky smelly_demon because you will never realize the magnitude of that stupidity of yours as you live in a blissful orange little world brought on by ignorance and the opiates you feel safe inside. Good night sleazy head.

Thumb 04 January 2012, 11:00

Sweating_demonoid wrote:"as for berri, we all agree he's a handicap on the FPM and he's overtly on bad terms with FPM especially after aoun defeated him in jezzine. the enemy of your enemy should be your friend, RIGHT :P ? you should LOVE berri. after all, he's a mafioso like most of the M14 'elite'..."

the dogs bark and the caravan moves on!

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (Guest) 04 January 2012, 13:57

smelly_demon as much as I would like to take credit for the "collapse of the economy" quote I was merely borrowing it from a very good friend of yours. You see while you were lost that familiar drug induced stupor you've got us accustomed to, your new "good" tourism minister Abboud was saying it about his comrade Nahass "wage correction" even after he'd voted for it, you can see him in all his multiple record breaking glory saying it to as many TV stations as he could, YouTube is your friend. But why bother, I bet even after you see him saying it you will call your own eyes close minded, liars such is the magnitude of your stupidity. But there is a silver lining to all this you happen to be a very lucky smelly_demon because you will never realize the magnitude of that stupidity of yours as you live in a blissful orange little world brought on by ignorance and the opiates you feel safe inside.

Default-user-icon may 7 (Guest) 04 January 2012, 14:38

You promised Lebanon an Orange but all we got was smelly lemons

Thumb thepatriot 04 January 2012, 15:07

"douche", "idiot", "stupid"... mama did not raise you well... are you so threatened & in lack of arguments to resort to this cheap language systematically sweaty?? I guess u've got strong hang ups ;-)

Thumb 04 January 2012, 15:59

the filthy zionist information war department and their sidekicks the fpm think they say something but they mumble jumble like idiots

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (Guest) 04 January 2012, 16:17

smelly_demond you poor sad creature when you dig yourself a hole don't use your fingers like a savage Neanderthal use a shovel

as reported by pro-M8 elnashra enjoy

عبود: مشروع نحاس غير منطقي ويؤدي الى إنهيار الإقتصاد الوطني

Thumb jabalamel 04 January 2012, 17:30

sweating deamon: i got the fan club, but you get the official logo.

the filthy zionist information war department regulary uses insults, but when someone else uses insults, they talk about "cheap language"

they said a lot of crap beside that, but my fan club covered it well

Thumb jabalamel 04 January 2012, 17:31

except he missed lebanese forces with fpm

Thumb 04 January 2012, 17:36

jabal: this is what demon wrote about Berri:""as for berri, we all agree he's a handicap on the FPM and he's overtly on bad terms with FPM especially after aoun defeated him in jezzine. the enemy of your enemy should be your friend, RIGHT :P ? you should LOVE berri. after all, he's a mafioso like most of the M14 'elite'..."

and you are against me still?

Default-user-icon Mohammad_ca (Guest) 04 January 2012, 23:07

Let me get this straight, he went to the "father" to tell on others? Sad sad Gibran...

Thumb jabalamel 05 January 2012, 00:56


parties in march 8 coalition are not enemies. they may not agree on everything, they may have opposite interests on some things, but they work together.

Default-user-icon Fourteen March (Guest) 05 January 2012, 05:44

?????The seat of the patriarchate is the place that gathers everyone and preserves the principles, that’s why we have to inform His Eminence of all the vital information and the fears and concerns????? Since when the aounies cares about bkerki or the patriarch? What a liar?

Thumb 05 January 2012, 07:04

ok now i agree:)