Ghosn: It's Our Duty to Expose Extremists, Qaida Infiltration

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Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn on Tuesday said the army has “clear information” about the presence of al-Qaida members in the Bekaa border town of Arsal, noting that “the army raided Arsal in search of Hamza Qarqouz,” who is believed to be an al-Qaida militant who had fled from Syria to Lebanon.

In an interview on OTV, Ghosn added: “It is our duty as politicians and officials to announce that there is an infiltration by some extremists, including al-Qaida members, through the borders, and it is our duty not to conceal things.”

“I said in cabinet that there is information about an infiltration of terrorists through illegal border crossings, including Arsal’s, and the town of Arsal was not directly accused of that,” Ghosn said, noting that “the president and premier are aware of this information.”

Hitting back at former premier Saad Hariri, the minister said: “We are not the shabiha (militiamen) of the Syrian regime and we’re not in anyone’s service.”

“I’m an Arab minister and, first and foremost, the defense minister of Lebanon. I’m entrusted with the military institution and I do not make mistakes in such critical issues,” Ghosn added.

Comments 16
Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 03 January 2012, 23:10

This guy is a total ASSad A$$ licker. Tyring to continue the fake premise they have been deluded into believing. First there were "armed gangs" that didn't exist. No we are to believe the army chased one guy who was an Al-Quaeda cell. I suppose he drove the two cars to Damascus.

If he is the defense minister and so proud, let nim put the army in the north to protect the Lebanese from the Syrian army.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 03 January 2012, 23:14

Why don't you expose the Hezz?? They raped Beirut, started an offensive war they made all the Lebanese pay for, they are bankrupting the country, dealing drugs, stealing cars, stealing electricity, stealing church and gov't land, inporting illegal weapons.......what else do you want?? The people hate them and reject them. Why don't you do something???

Oh and put a tie on so you don't look so Iranian/Hezz.

Default-user-icon LebExile (Guest) 03 January 2012, 23:14

I thought that the Al Qadia terrorists were going to Syria from Lebanon, not the other way round!!! Didn't he say that the terrorists went to Syria to commit suicide??

Thumb shab 03 January 2012, 23:30

Show us the proof

Default-user-icon Adonis (Guest) 03 January 2012, 23:56

"there is information about an infiltration of terrorists"

Yep the information was given to you by the Syrian misinformation department so they can use your statements to point the fingers o9f blame in the Damascus bombings two days later. In your incompetence you read the statement wrong saying they came from Syria not went to Syria like you were told to say.

I think the Syrian misinformation department sorely misses the competence of a Adnan Addoum or a Jamil al Sayyed who for years were the perfect mouthpieces to disseminate Syrian misinformation from the Saydet Al Najat terrorist explosion all the way to the Abou Addas video tape fiasco.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 04 January 2012, 00:50

al-Qaida exists in the mind of Ghosn like "armed gangs" esists in the mind of ASSad. They never show proof.....they just keep saying it as if it will be eventually believed.

These guys are getting desperate. Their lies and killing do not work and they don't know what else to do but continue doing what does not work. This is the definition of insanity.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 04 January 2012, 02:23

Lies from the filthy Hezz Persian war department.

Default-user-icon axan (Guest) 04 January 2012, 08:43

Man, this guy is really UGLY!
Have you all noticed how much lebanese agents of syria are ugly? Both from inside and outside?

We will send you to HELL, Ghosn! With all your bloody allies!

Default-user-icon neutral (Guest) 04 January 2012, 12:15

this gov is a syrian gov appointed by bashar himself.this gov is not lebanese. this gov is full of lies and liars . this gov must go.

Thumb jabalamel 04 January 2012, 17:34

the filthy zionist information war department is getting nervous because mossad agents will be captured.

so they bark like rabid dog halucinating about syrian goverment in lebanon and persian war department

p.s. it's "information war department". pay more attention next time.

Thumb 04 January 2012, 18:00

I totally agree, every day they post more and more stupidities that make no sense at all. I agree (but not with sweating demon)

Missing peace 04 January 2012, 23:50

funny jabelahbal... making us all laugh by not realising how fool and ridiculous he is! good job! keep on man! you are the best comic ever!

Thumb jabalamel 05 January 2012, 00:58

the filthy zionist information war department is trying to convince me that i make them laugh, but i see only fury and hatred in your posts

Thumb grigori 05 January 2012, 01:09

Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it

Thumb grigori 05 January 2012, 01:47

That's funny

Thumb 05 January 2012, 07:09

the filthy zionist information war department thinking that we make them laugh but we are not convinced because we are not stupid and everybody can see their fury and hate in their useless same old story posts. This new retard thinks he is cool with his new logo. He is another zionist loser