Israeli Spokesperson Addresses PM in Tweet about Hizbullah


Israeli army Arabic spokesperson Avichay Adraee said in remarks he addressed to Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri on Twitter that “Hizbullah is still lying to you and to the Lebanese.”

“You have said these things about (UN) Resolution 1701 long ago. We truly want to believe you, but the problem is that Hizbullah is still lying to you and to the Lebanese,” said Adraee.

Adraee’s remarks come in the wake of Israeli claims it had discovered Hizbullah tunnels infiltrating its territory from Lebanon and launched an operation to destroy them.

Hariri had stressed on Wednesday “the Lebanese government commitment to the full obligations of Resolution 1701,” and that Israel’s operation to destroy alleged Hizbullah tunnels on Lebanon’s border should not lead to “any escalation.”

Comments 2
Thumb chrisrushlau 06 December 2018, 18:59

Israel is fundamentally opposed to the idea of democratic rule-of-law. That explains its instability. Stability is when the government rests on the support of the population. As Obama-ites would say, remember your base. If you start by ignoring half of them, too late, you've already lost.

Missing hajjradwan 06 December 2018, 18:59

Believe it or not
نعيم قاسم:حزبالله عابر للطوائف
LOL ياحسين