Constitutional Council Annuls Election of Dima Jamali
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The Constitutional Council has invalidated the election of Tripoli MP Dima Jamali in the parliamentary elections after her win was contested by unsuccessful candidate Taha Naji.
The Council’s head Issam Suleiman said an election in the Tripoli district of Minieh will be held within two months to fill the vacant seat.
Suleiman said that investigations launched after Naji's appeal have shown evidence of tampering with the ballot results.
Jamali, Sunni of al-Mustaqbal Movement, was elected an MP in the parliamentary elections in May.
Naji ran on the National Dignity list headed by MP Faisal Karami.
Speaking to reporters after meeting Prime Minister Saad Hariri, Jamali said: “After hearing the ruling of the Constitutional Council, we must all respect it, knowing that there were political interventions. But what was issued became a reality. I would like to thank Prime Minister Hariri for renewing his confidence in me by inviting me to the Center House to ask me to run again in the name of the al-Mustaqbal Movement for the Sunni seat in Tripoli."
She added: "I know that my legitimacy stems from the Lebanese people as a whole and from the people of Tripoli especially, who elected me and placed their confidence in me the first time. I am sure that they will grant me this trust again, because they saw what we did during a short period in parliament for the capital of the north."
"I hope to continue to serve Tripoli through Parliament after the parliamentary by-election. I will continue the battle and hope for the best," she went on to say.

On what grounds? Is it not possible for Naharnet to write more in details?

On the grounds that she's a woman and the grossly insecure Mr. Naji felt his manhood threatened. Inno it's Trablus ya khayyeh...

Tx. Wow! Sounds more than qualified to me. Probably over-qualified for Lebanese politics..

وتبين أن قلم قرصيصا في طرابلس قد جرى العبث ببياناته، وعليه، قرر المجلس الدستوري إبطال نتيجة القلم وأصبح عدد المقاعد التي فازت بها المستقبل 4،55 أي 4 مقاعد. وأشار إلى ان الفارق يكون معدوم بين اللائحتين وهذا الفارق لا يعول عليه لإعلان فوز أي من لائحة من اللائحتين وبخاصة أن الانتخابات شابتها العيوب.
وقرر المجلس الدستوري إبطال نيابة السيدة ديما جمالي وإعلان المقعد في طرابلس شاغراً، مشيراً إلى أن الانتخابات ستكون فرعية وفقاً للنظام الاكثري على دورة واحدة أي تجري الانتخابات في طرابلس وحدها. ولفت إلى أن القرار اتخذ بأكثرية 7 أصوات. وشدد سليمان على أن تدخلات السياسيين تقف على بوابة المجلس الدستوري ولا تدخل على حرم المجلس.

وشدد سليمان على أن تدخلات السياسيين تقف على بوابة المجلس الدستوري ولا تدخل على حرم المجلس.
Yes I believe his totally LOL. Although I remember when the Shiite members of the Constitutional Council refused to attend a session to study an appeal filed by the FPM and Karateb, causing the lack of quorum. Then there was no political interference either, right Hezbollah and Amal?

Whatever happened to the other 16 appeals submitted to Constitutional Council last June? Will the Council dare rule on those as well even though this could cause M8 to lose a dozen MPs?

Anti Syrian and well educated people do not get elected. Just see what Karami is asking for inserted of fighting for her.