LF, FPM Engage in War of Words on Twitter over Electricity Plan

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A war of words erupted again between the Lebanese Forces and Free Patriotic Movement over the controversial electricity file.

The dispute emerged following the electricity plan suggested in Cabinet by (FPM) Energy Minister Nada al-Bustani, and the formation of a ministerial committee to discuss the plan which raised criticisms of LF lawmakers and ministers.

In remarks he made on Twitter hinting at LF chief Samir Geagea, FPM deputy Eddy Maalouf said: “He did not get it right in medicine, nor in strategic options, nor in the refugees file and now he wants to advise us about electricity.”

Another FPM MP, Nicolas Sahnaoui also hinted at the LF saying “parties who want to obstruct the electricity plan have suspicious ends. As if they wish no success for plans presented by the FPM.”

Defending the LF positions, MP Eddy Abillamah said the LF positions were not personal, “we want practical steps for a plan that still does not know where to start. The waste of public funds is the result of unjustified stubbornness,” he said.

“A regulatory body and a board of directors to oversee the plan and follow-up file is required,” he said, denouncing smear campaigns targeting the LF.

MPs Imad Wakim and George Okais of the LF Strong Republic parliamentary bloc have also replied to the FPM’s rhetoric.

Criticising the FPM’s “failed” efforts since 2010 to make any progress in the country’s problematic electricity file, MP Joseph Isaac said: “We have been waiting for your theories, and the electricity since 2010 but things only got worse. The waste in that sector accounts for 40 percent of the budget deficit.”

Comments 10
Thumb EagleDawn 27 March 2019, 15:22

The FPM: @chezmaurice of Lebanese politics.

Thumb justin 27 March 2019, 15:57

بالوثائق: لبنان مُرشّح ليكون الأول عالمياً بالتلوث!


Thumb barrymore 27 March 2019, 16:38

and hariri wants to make Lebanon like Dubai, hehehe!

Thumb justin 27 March 2019, 15:58

قضاة فاسدون الى التحقيق


Thumb barrymore 27 March 2019, 16:40

Excellent article. If you want to bribe a judge, you get close to his driver, secretary or bodyguard. That's how they work. The whole Lebanese judiciary is corrupt from top to bottom.

Thumb doodle-dude 27 March 2019, 16:54

The government should adopt an electricity plan that makes use of the amazing friction generated when virile young men enjoy blablablablablabla's deep and wide luv tunnel. The friction generated will produce an enormous amount of environmentally friendly electricity.

Thumb enterprise 28 March 2019, 06:07


Thumb canadianleb 29 March 2019, 13:58

doodle-dude you seemed obsessed with blablablablablabla's deep and wide luv tunnel. Just saying :-)

Thumb justin 27 March 2019, 18:43

نوه باسيل بقرار تشيكيا الجريء في الحفاظ على سفارتها مفتوحة في دمشق رغم كل الضغوط والتهديدات بمعاقبتها

بدأ وزير الخارجية والمغتربين جبران باسيل زيارته الرسمية لجمهورية تشيكيا بلقاء مع رئيس الحكومة اندريه بابيش، في حضور وزير الدولة لشؤون التجارة الخارجية حسن مراد واعضاء الوفدين اللبناني والتشيكي.

Thumb natour 27 March 2019, 23:16

Eddy Maalouf is correct. Geagea did not get it right in strategic options. These options helped elect the most incompetent demented senile president a country has every had. Geagea sees his mistake. Baby Eddy thinks senility and incompetence are the best feature of this president's term. Nick Sahnaoui almost got himself killed when couldn't tell the difference between a rock and rhinoceros. His handlers are so worried that his electricity plans would have tragically suspicious ends, before he checks into a hotel room, they make sure the hairdryer is secured in the safe so Nick doesn't use it while taking his bath.