STL President Meets Lebanese Officials, the Legal Community in Beirut and Tripoli
The President of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) Judge Ivana Hrdličková visited Beirut this week.
Hrdličková and Vice President Ralph Riachi met with Lebanese Minister of Justice Albert Serhan, Minister of Interior and Municipalities Raya el-Hassan and Head of the Beirut Bar Association André Chidiac. President Hrdličková and Judge Riachi also met representatives of the diplomatic community.
During the mission, Judge Hrdličková and Judge Riachi also visited Tripoli, where they met with First President of the Court of Appeal Judge Rida Raad and Head of the Tripoli Bar Association Mohammed Mrad.
They also participated in two outreach events: a briefing on the work of the Tribunal to lawyers of the Tripoli Bar Association and a presentation on “The STL in the context of International Criminal Justice” at the Mawlawi Cultural Center.
“After productive meetings with officials in Beirut, I was delighted to conduct my first visit to Tripoli to meet with the legal community there. I was encouraged by the support and interest the Tribunal enjoys amongst the lawyers, judges, officials and civil society, with whom I discussed the Tribunal’s achievements and progress to date”, said Judge Hrdličková.