Jisr Quoting Ghosn: I Did Not Say that al-Qaida Had Infiltrated Arsal
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
A parliamentary committee grilled Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn on Monday over the controversy that erupted after he alleged that members of al-Qaida were entering the eastern border town of Arsal under the guise of Syrian opposition activists.
MTV quoted Ghosn as telling the meeting of the defense, interior and municipalities committee that he didn't intend to say that al-Qaida has a presence in Arsal.
The head of the committee MP Samir al-Jisr said after the meeting: “Ghosn did not mean to say that Arsal had been infiltrated. He instead meant that the border with Syria had been breached.”
He did not say that Arsal had harbored terrorists, adding that he obtained the information from the army.
We "are seeking to hear Minister Ghosn after his latest statement left an impact on the security, political and even economic levels,” Jisr, told An Nahar daily in remarks published Monday.
The reactions to the minister’s remarks made the situation worse, the Tripoli lawmaker said about contradictory statements made by different officials and politicians about al-Qaida's alleged presence in Lebanon.
“What’s important for us is to know whether he has evidence and what were the reasons behind stirring the issue in public,” al-Jisr told the newspaper.
“The committee is not seeking to hold the minister accountable,” he stressed, saying that it is its “duty to listen to him over such sensitive and important issues.”
Ghosn attended the meeting but the minister refused to make any comment to An Nahar ahead of the session.
According to As Safir newspaper, the March 14-led opposition lawmakers are preparing to “launch a violent (verbal) attack” on Ghosn and the March 8 MPs are getting ready to defend him.
“This indicates that there will be a heated debate,” it said.
The March 14 deputies could try to turn the committee’s meeting into an official inquiry and seek to subject the minister to a vote of confidence, al-Liwaa daily said.
MPs from both the opposition Lebanese Forces and al-Mustaqbal blocs had hinted that they would take such a move.
But any attempt to subject Ghosn to a vote of confidence requires a parliamentary session, al-Liwaa said.
LF MP George Adwan said after attending the meeting that the minister didn’t discuss the details of his claims about al-Qaida.
Phalange lawmaker Sami Gemayel also said that the cabinet should tackle the issue.

Surely this topic has been taken way out of proportion especially that it is untrue.
Lebanon has no fertile ground for suck extremists, even Lebanese extremists are not that violently extremists.
But should be fun to watch. Also, one must admire the level of democracy and debate that buzz our parliament, The Arab world envies us!

the filthy zionist information war parliement department wants to grill our patriotic defense minister. it is better they go make barbequ and salad in another place.

even the mouthpiece of the syrian regime weam wahab said yesterday al qaeda is not active in lebanon. There maybe some sympathizers.... in the states they also have followers.

What sensationalism...lebanese media is totally outrageous the way they exaggerate every minute issue into the biggest mexican drama.
"March 14-led opposition lawmakers are preparing to “launch a violent (verbal) attack” on Ghosn and the March 8 MPs are getting ready to defend him."
this is like a school yard fight, with all the children (lebanese media) chanting "Fight, Fight, Fight"

you forgot to mention ado the aouni in your quote above it was reported by As Safir newspaper! LOL, sneaky sneaky

the filthy zionist information war department has managed to compile one profile and now they use every post to show their achievement.

Brief search of jabalamel on wikipedia.com
1) "Your search has yielded no "results". Sorry, we don't keep records on scum."

the filthy zionist information war department was unable to find any data on me, so they keep repeating same old retarded joke.

A search of MarTadella on wikipedia:
"One entry found: rotten and sweaty meat"
"Your just a fat William Shatner, fat William Shatner, your just a fat William Shatner"......sorry, just bored at work. How's it going Jabalamel me old chum?

Brief profile of "Mowaten" on wikipedia.com
1) A self-confessed "atheist" but a spokesperson and a fanatical believer in party of "God"….oooops!
2) An arrogant blogger whose belief is "the more I post, the more credible I am".
3) A Farsi at heart who worships Iran, but at the same time considers himself a true "mowaten" of Lebanon.
4) An authority on categorizing people as "israeli" and "lebanese".
5) A self-proclaimed know-all & expert on everything from military, social, to political matters.
6) His favorite authors are "Seymour Hersh" & "Robert Fisk" …. enough said.
7) Relentlessly supports Assad because of his "secular" syrian regime.
8) Spiteful, hypocrite, smarmy with "a soft side" & "still has hope in human nature".
9) ***distinguished*** founding member of the International Association of Certified Idiots (IACI).!

hmm so there is no AlQaida in Arsal after all...apologize you idiot!

the filthy zionist information war department could not find any argument against our defence minister so they attack him on his weight.
check the netanyahu weight, losers.

@profile: too funny man about this thug! every time i log in to read something i see his silly comments that i stopped reading long time ago.

the filthy zionist information war department think kilograms make our patriotic defense minister from the north less patriotic. Kilograms don't make a man but a man makes the kilograms. Anyway, your idol sharon is still in a qoma because of kilograms. Hasta La Vista losers

Lak ya Fayez, dah'heel'aik, please, SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!! Everytime you open your big mouth, you make yourself look like an even BIGGER fool, then you truly are....wow...Just shut up...please!