Jumblat Condemns Hamra Rioting, Urges Electricity Reform
Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat on Wednesday condemned the overnight rioting on Beirut’s Hamra Street.
“Hamra Street is the jewel of coexistence, the hub of cultural clubs and launchpad of the national resistance, and Beirut’s main heritage remained there,” Jumblat tweeted.
“As I condemn what happened yesterday under the excuse of banks, I remind that one of the main reasons behind the current financial crisis is the opposition of some of the current government’s parties to the reform of the electricity sector,” Jumblat added.
Privatizing in countries with laws and enforcement is great. But I’m Lebanon’s situation it wouldn’t change a thing. The cronies will just sell it to one of there own. Privatizing when there’s this much corruption in the system changes nothing.