'Lebanon Has a Chance to Restore Stability,' Chief Economist Says
As Lebanon’s newly appointed ministers focus on setting a plan to save Lebanon from the current financial and economic crisis, chief economist for the Middle East and North Africa at the International Finance Institute, Garbis Iradian, said in report there is still hope for Lebanon to restore stability, al-Joumhouria daily reported on Friday.
Iradian revealed to the daily a report he prepared entitled "Lebanon has an opportunity to restore stability" and includes the following ten steps to address the crisis:
1- Reduction in interest rates.
2- Restore vigor to the banking system.
3- Pursue financial adjustment to address the deficit.
4- Reform the Electricite du Liban Authority.
5- Seek an International Monetary Fund program.
6- Reschedule the country’s debt.
7- Unify exchange rates under stable conditions.
8- Privatize cell phone companies and other public institutions.
9- Reduce corruption.
10 - Create a social aid fund.
Iradian said the risks remain, as the cabinet may resign or be subject to intense pressure which may hinder financial and structural reforms.
The impact of the financial crisis on the economy, families, companies and major services sectors in the economy may also be greater than expected, he concluded in his report.
Lebanon must reduce its budget deficit by depending on power generated from natural resources. To that end, the government can make use of the enormous energy generated through friction when thousands of virile young men penetrate blablablablablabla's deep and wide luv tunnel seeking pleasure. The lubricants they deposit inside his deep and wide luv tunnel can also be turned into commercial use as well.
I have the utmost respect for Mrs. wireless for its thorough knowledge of growing, legalizing and distributing Marijuana that was eloquently presented in (2) parts above.
Awireless. It is not secatarian. Unfortunately berri has controlled the regie since the 90s. Iron grip. Every time someone puts a cigarette in his mouth, berri's gas stations in michigan benefit.
All trials to increase taxation on cigaretes havent worked.
Mr. wireless :
The solution is not raising taxes on cigarettes! The solution is fiscal reforms, ending corruption and above all the illegal arms of your Shia militia as it is the cause of all evil in our country. For the economy to take a turn to the positive you need stability for investments to come in. Your Nasrallah threatens the USA, the Gulf, and anybody who challenges his Iranian doctrine on a weekly basis. He got us involved in wars in Syria, Iraq and Yemen to name a few in addition to a few major wars. The lost opportunity costs of these actions exceed $250 billion. So, leave cigarettes alone ( I am a non-smoker btw) and focus on the real issues.