Aoun Says to Seek Constitutional Amendments to 'Declare Lebanon a Civil State'

President Michel Aoun on Sunday called for declaring Lebanon a “civil state,” in an address to the nation marking 100 years since the declaration of Greater Lebanon.
The State of Greater Lebanon was a state declared on 1 September 1920, which became the Lebanese Republic in May 1926, and is the predecessor of modern Lebanon.
“I call for declaring Lebanon a civil state and I pledge to call for dialogue gathering spiritual and political leaders to reach a format accepted by everyone, which would be translated through the appropriate constitutional amendments,” Aoun said.
“There is a need to improve, amend and change the Lebanese system. Lebanon needs a new approach in running its affairs that would be based on citizenry and the state’s civil nature,” he added.
“The current sectarian system is no longer valid and has become an obstacle in the way of any progress or reform,” the president pointed out.
He said that the time has come for seeking “a new formula or a new agreement” for the country.
“The Taef Accord has points of strength as well as points of weakness that appear at every juncture,” Aoun noted.
Speaking in a TV interview that followed the televised address, the president said “gas exists” in offshore block number 4.
“The political circumstances that led to halting its extraction will soon become known,” he added.
30 August 2020, 20:39
Aoun: There is a need to improve, amend and change the Lebanese system. Lebanon needs a new approach in running its affairs that would be based on citizenry and the state’s civil nature.
30 August 2020, 20:39
Aoun: I call for declaring Lebanon a civil state and I pledge to call for dialogue gathering spiritual and political leaders to reach the appropriate constitutional amendments.
30 August 2020, 20:37
Aoun: The current sectarian system is no longer valid and has become an obstacle in the way of any progress or reform.
30 August 2020, 20:36
Aoun said the time has come for seeking “a new formula or a new agreement” for the country.
30 August 2020, 20:34
Aoun: The Taef Accord has points of strength as well as points of weakness that appear at every juncture.
30 August 2020, 20:33
Aoun: Unfortunately, the past year was rife with unprecedented crises and disasters and it did not allow for any glimpse of hope, but despite that hope still remains -- hope in real change that allows our country to rise again.

“بتبقى انت الحلم، والحلم ما بيشيخ"
الله يحميك
بي الكل
A fearless man - A real leader - A true statesman.

One more proof Aoun is in the pocket of Hizbollah. Hizb arms and lack of Shia democratic voices are what is delaying move to secularism. As Nasrallah Sfeir wisely said, democratize spirit before rules, otherwise it is tyranny of blind majority. Only option now is federalism considering Shia educated silence. If Shia still elect the same duo that destroyed Lebanon, then time to forget Lebanon, divided it and join the European community, even NATO. Mount Lebanon with its Sunni and Druze components will in no time regain democracy, civility, intellectual vibrancy, prosperity and become the Singapore and Silicone Valley of the region. Shia leaders have been playing demography as in Iraq and sowing misery and oppressive autocracy as in Iran. we had enough to safeguard of children future. Let them have their own country and fight Israel for eternity.

God bless President Aoun for calling to form a civil state away from sectarianism.
Shia Shia Shia !!!

He reads speeches---just doesn't understand or follow what they say\.

A sound foundation of a nation cannot be based on inequality between its people. The people who have no objections for equal rights and equal opportunities, are the ones with good qualifications and competence . The ones who object are the ones with no qualifications and no competence but are profiting from the current sectarian (wasta) system.

What president Aoun does not seem to realize is that there’s a BIG difference between making peace with the Shiites of Lebanon as opposed to making a pact with an armed militia that happens to be Made up of nominally Lebanese Shiites but in fact owes its loyalty to Iran.
HUGE difference Mr. President!

Any self respecting leader would have stepped down for much less serious event. Out of personal respect and dignity Mr. President you should either step down sir or unequivocally admit that you made a mortal mistake by allying with Hizbullah.
It’s psychologically fascinating how one can stubbornly stick to a course that have proven catastrophic for us Lebanese. Sir, you’re FPM is hemorrhaging support from those who were in the lead as well as rank and file, that’s a fact sir.
As a crude folk American saying goes, “shit or get off the pot”. So sir, wake up and do the right thing or do the honorable thing and step down.

Besides, you know jack about democracy. Democracy can only exist and flourish and your favorite one man one vote when, and only when, wealth is equally distributed and shared equitably in any country seeking democracy.
Failing that, your one man one vote slogan rings hollow and empty.

There can be no amendement of the constitution as long as one party has weapons.

This is another silly proposal from the senile deserter more so in when it's under the guns of a sectarian armed foreign controlled militia. Aoun's just repeating what Ahmad Qabalan has been calling for. The only positive in this is that it's said by Michel Aoun the "man" who never proposed anything he believed in. He speaks in self serving cynical rhetoric never meaning to accomplish. Regardless, Hezballs is hoping for the total fall of Lebanon thinking that it's planned Iran style Islamic Republic can rise from the ashes.

Aoun: I call for declaring Lebanon a civil state and I pledge to call for dialogue gathering spiritual and political leaders to reach the appropriate constitutional amendments.
Spiritual leaders should stay out of politics. Only honest, impartial lawmakers should be involved and in charge to amend the constitution.

This is what his allies do with the "Civil State"

I think the general rhetoric is spot on. All militias need to be disarmed before we consider constitutional changes otherwise we could be putting Lebanon and its people at a greater risk.

Kizb has to be disarmed before anything can be done.. one party cannot be armed and threatening the rest...