Geagea Slams 'Shameful' Govt. Formation Delay, Lauds Adib


Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Wednesday described the reported obstacles delaying the formation of the new government as “very shameful.”

“What’s happening as to the formation of the government is very shameful,” Geagea said in a statement.

He added that there are headlines such as “the Shiite duo does not accept…”, “Jebran Bassil wants…” and others about the distribution of shares “despite the death of 200 victims-martyrs in Beirut, the wounding of 6,000 people, the partial or full destruction of 10,000 residential units, the homelessness of hundreds of thousands of citizens, and a suffocating financial-economic crisis that has entered its 11th month.”

“As long as this ruling clique continues to control things, there will be no hope,” Geagea went on to say.

Lauding Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Adib, who was not backed by the LF in the binding parliamentary consultations, Geagea said he acknowledges Adib’s “persistent efforts, until the moment, to form a harmonious, neutral, independent and specialist government away from any leverage or influence.”

Comments 9
Missing thecause 10 September 2020, 02:13


Thumb LongLiveLebanon 10 September 2020, 08:29

Sadly, if Lebanon wants foreign humanitarian and financial help (and we all know how much the country desperately needs it), a truly independent and neutral government must be formed without delay.

Thumb lebnanfirst 10 September 2020, 09:01

No, much more influential than any MP.

Thumb thepatriot 10 September 2020, 12:56

I don't like him... but he is one of the very few politicians to attack the sulta... and Ebola.

Missing cedars 10 September 2020, 14:18

People like we or you made few failed coupe attempts on the government between 1940 and 1960 until your leader was assisinated you would not stop destabilizing the country. That's what you do.

Missing cedars 10 September 2020, 14:18

God bless those who speak the do not like him because the truth hurt.

Thumb thepatriot 11 September 2020, 09:13

No cedars, I don't like him because he has been part of the system, because he made an alliance with Aoun, because he participated in too may governments, because he was a warlord...
But I like that he speaks the truth, yes.

Missing rabiosa 10 September 2020, 17:02

The ONLY solution is to be put back under French mandate. Dissolve all political parties, all government institutions. Appoint a French governor. Make Lebanon an overseas territory administred by France, Scrap the Lebanese Lira, use the Euro and be done with this charade.

This ruling class asI has been saying do not want to do any reforms. They just want the money. If Macron out anyone else can't see that, then he should get out of the way.

Election Law. The only way to get rid of the current MPs and their backers is the ONE MAN ONE VOTE. This will eliminate the lists that has candidates that no one heras of, it will eliminate lists working together, it will eliminate someone who get 20% yet because of Tafdily vote gets elected.

Default-user-icon Warner Van Battenburg (Guest) 11 September 2020, 10:14

Politicians use contribuables to fund their richness: "studied forerunners of richness" "they have not any suggestions for the others to run their country"