Strong Lebanon Bloc Decries 'Systematic Campaign' against It


The Free Patriotic Movement-led Strong Lebanon bloc said Tuesday that there is a “systematic campaign” to blame President Michel Aoun and the bloc for the new government’s delay, denying seeking a one-third-plus-one veto power.

“We were the only ones who backed naming truly specialist and independent ministers in PM Diab’s government and the events have proved the independence of their decisions,” the bloc said in a statement issued after its weekly e-meeting.

Noting that it has offered to stay out of the government in order to “facilitate its formation,” the bloc added that it has only asked for “unified standards” in naming the ministers.

The bloc also categorically rejected suggestions by PM-designate Saad Hariri’s camp that the president’s role is limited to “issuing the decree of the government’s formation,” stressing that Aoun has the right to “fully participate in the formation process in terms of the government’s shape, candidates, portfolios and number of seats.”

Comments 2
Missing samiam 03 February 2021, 07:23

The delay has come for ImBasil and Aoun---everyone knows that. Just because they deny it, it doesn't mean it is true. They are looking to become the victim here when they are really the ones initiating it.

Thumb thepatriot 03 February 2021, 10:28
