Berri Dispatches AMAL Delegation to Tripoli


Speaker Nabih Berri dispatched on Wednesday a delegation of AMAL Movement to the northern city of Tripoli that witnessed recent clashes between protesters and security forces, and the burning of its historic municipal building.

The National News Agency said the delegation was received by Tripoli Mayor Riad Yamak.

Protesters in the impoverished city of Tripoli began demonstrations on January 25, angry at pandemic lockdown restrictions they say are destroying their livelihoods.

Mainly night clashes continued until Sunday, the latest violence between security forces and protesters furious at the economic fallout of strict lockdown measures.

Youths gathered outside government buildings, and police lobbed tear gas from the roofs to disperse crowds.

Soldiers, deployed after the unrest earlier in the week.

The army arrested several on charges including "rioting, destruction (and) attacking public and private property," during the week's protests.

Some were arrested for hurling Molotov cocktails at security forces and for trying to set fire to Tripoli's government headquarters, the army statement said.

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