10 Referred to Military Prosecution over Tripoli Unrest


Ten detainees have been referred to the military prosecution over their suspected involvement in the latest unrest in Tripoli, the army said on Wednesday.

“The Intelligence Directorate has referred to the military prosecution 10 detainees, including one of the Syrian nationality, for their carrying out of acts of rioting and attacks on public and private property, including the torching of the Tripoli Municipality building, during the incidents that occurred in the aforementioned city,” an army statement said.

“The rest of those involved are being pursued so that they be arrested and referred to the relevant judicial authorities,” the statement added.

Days of angry demonstrations in the city last week left one person dead and 400 others wounded.

Protesters have said they were angry at pandemic lockdown restrictions that have deprived them of their income. Some politicians and media have meanwhile questioned the spontaneity of the protests, suggesting that they have been instigated by suspicious political agendas.

Comments 2
Thumb ansarullah 03 February 2021, 21:01

God bless the Lebanese Army for defending our borders and sovereignty in Tripoli by referring those rioters to the Military Prosecutors. The army is doing its job planting fear in the hearts of those that oppose the strong presidency and its allies while our Shia resistance is busy engaging the Zionist enemy in compliance with U.N resolution 1701 at the border in the South.

The Lebanese Army is proving it is worthy of being a branch of our Shia resistance and it will not before long be absorbed as the domestic arm of our international Shia resistance.

Shea Shia Shea !!!

Missing cedars 04 February 2021, 13:33

How about we show on TV how many fuel trucks were sized at illegal borders DAILY going to Syria so that we can provide aid to the Tripoli citizens.