Berri: Without a Government Lebanon Will Sink Like the Titanic

Speaker Nabih Berri said on Monday that a government must be formed in Lebanon within “two months” otherwise the whole country will drown like the Titanic.
“The country is in danger if a government is not formed within two months, everybody will sink, and the country will sink like the Titanic,” said Berri at the opening of a legislative session at the UNESCO Palace.
The session was held to approve an advance payment for Electricite du Liban and a law related to restoring stolen public funds.
On the electricity credit line, he said: “We are facing two issues, both of which are bitter. We either plunge in darkness or fund the electricity sector. The joint committee has done well by approving to fund the electricity.”
The session ended by legislators approving the advance payment and the law on restoring stolen public funds.

There is nothing left to be saved. The ship has sunken long ago...
Your black shirts, your personal theft, you flooding the administrations of this country with your people contributed greatly to this situation... so please... shut up and resign!

Berri, you have a unique chance to cover for past mistakes and be part of a solution to save your community. This is bigger than Lebanon. Does anyone ever doubt that if Imam Moussa Saddr was alive in 2010 he would have been the biggest supporter of the Iranian Green Revolution? The Green Revolution was close to success and had galvanized the best Iranians all over the world. If Lebanese Shia showed support and formed a human chain from Dahia to Tyr in support, the outcome could have been very different. Instead you bowed to the Lebanese Basij while Iranian Basij brutally suppressed the revolution. Now is your chance to break free of the Basij occupying the South and imposing a culture of hate and death opposed to Lebanon's democracy, freedom, tolerance and love of life. Break free from the Basij destroying our country and sinking our titanic.

Hopefully as the Captain, you'll go down with it. We can only dream.