Pharmacies on Open-ended Strike over Medicine Shortages


Pharmacies have announced an open-ended strike as of Friday over medicine shortages, “until the Ministry of Health approves the price indexes and provides protection for pharmacies.”

Pharmacists have been facing “daily harassments” that can be “life threatening” as a result of the shortage of medicines in pharmacies, the association of pharmacy owners stated.

“The Ministry of Interior and the security forces are supposed to protect the citizens," the association said, adding that the Minister of Health “did not keep his promise” regarding the issuing of lists of subsidized and non-subsidized medicines based on the agreement between the Ministry and the Central Bank.

Pharmacists mentioned that they had repeatedly asked the Minister to expedite the rationalization of subsidies to secure people’s needs.

The minister is not “taking into consideration” that patients are not finding the treatments they need in pharmacies since importers and warehouses are refusing to deliver until the lists are issued, the pharmacy owners added.

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