Geagea: LF Won’t Name Anyone in Binding Consultations

The head of the Lebanese Forces party Samir Geagea announced after a meeting held by the Strong Republic bloc on Friday that the LF “will not nominate anyone” in the binding parliamentary consultations scheduled for Monday.
Geagea said that it is impossible to reach any reforms “as long as the duo Aoun-Hizbullah and their allies are holding power.”
He stressed that “the only solution is to go to early parliamentary polls.”
Concerning the Port blast case, Geagea said that covering up the crime “is a new crime” and that the petition calling for the trial of some deputies is "the biggest fraud," noting that the Supreme Council for the Trial of Presidents and Ministers has been legally present in Lebanon for “nearly 100 years” but has never convened.
Geagea added that the attempt to obstruct the investigation “began with Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah,” and is continuing with “others."
He declared that in case the judicial investigations were blocked, the LF will resort to an “international investigation.”
“We will go to the end in order to lift immunities," Geagea pledged, expressing his regret over the absence of the MPs who have resigned in good faith.
“We need every vote, especially in the battle to lift immunities,” LF chief concluded.