Tourist Establishments to Close on August 4


The Syndicate of Owners of Restaurants, Cafes, Nightclubs and Patisseries announced Monday in a statement that it recommends the tourist establishments to close on the first anniversary of the Beirut port explosion on August 4.

The syndicate stressed its solidarity with “the martyrs and the injured and their families” and also “with the tourism sector” affected by the Beirut port blast.

They mentioned that the tourism sector has lost “victims from its employees and clients, in addition to heavy material damages.”

"We hope that justice will be served soon” and that “all those involved in this unforgivable crime will be held accountable," the statement concluded.

Wednesday, August 4, has been declared a national mourning day in commemoration of those injured and killed by the Beirut port blast.

Comments 1
Default-user-icon Curious (Guest) 03 August 2021, 10:14

Do we ever have national mourning days for when Israel flattens Lebanese buildings and invades?