Bassil Calls on Berri to Hold a Session to Lift Immunities on August 4
Head of the Free Patriotic Movement Jebran Bassil called on Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri to hold a session to lift immunities on August 4.
Bassil said in a press conference held Monday In Sin el-Fil that the Beirut port blast is a "security-related act" and is not limited to workplace negligence. It outlines “the negligence, the corruption and the chaos in the country."
He affirmed that deputies “should give full authority to the judiciary that has to prove correctness and impartiality."
He added that the judicial investigator must prove his “fairness and transparency” and he called on him to issue the necessary report to the insurance companies and to guarantee “that no one will be arrested without testifying."
Bassil considered that President Michel Aoun has “set an example” when he expressed his willingness to testify before the judicial investigator.
He also said that he believes that the Lebanese, from all groups and sects, are “mature” and that “the strife theory” is being used to “pass political deals," in reference to Sunday's deadly clashes in Khalde.
Ladies and Gentlemen: Today you have just listened to the future president of Lebanon. Learn people, learn!"
"libanaisresilient 4 hours ago
Long live Bassil the future President of Lebanese republic!"
libanaisresilient 13 hours ago
OMG another big step towards the Presidency! Long live Bassil! You're the Man!
"He also said that he believes that the Lebanese, from all groups and sects, are mature” ..not quite yet, actually.. they'll reach maturity the moment that they drag you and all the other mafia bosses of your kind in shackles on a public square to be dealt by the people
The most hated person in Lebanon; he’s even more despised than the Palestinians during the civil war.
باسيل: هناك إدارة مؤقتة تدير المرفأ منذ 30 عاما وهذه "فضيحة الفضائح"
and he just woke up to this fact? lol
i didnt wanna give you any attention because you look like your hungry for it, but i am not sure why every time something good try to happen to the lebanese people you immediatly stand up to block it and stand in its ways, whats wrong with you man, are you that wicked? or your daddy owns the country or something? get a life dude
werent you a part of the government when the blast happened? why arent you resigning?
He accuses everybody in the port blast: the ministry of works, finance, and the security agencies but does not even close to naming Salim Jreisati the then justice minister. On his watch the judiciary ordered the nitrate ship into harbor to load Bassil's gas exploration equipment.