Reports: Berri, Jumblat Urged to Take Precautions over Assassination Attempts
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News about the alleged assassination attempt of the head of the Internal Security Forces Intelligence Branch, Col. Wissam al-Hassan, revealed that Speaker Nabih Berri and Progressive Socialist Party MP Walid Jumblat might also be targeted, according to newspapers published on Monday.
An Nahar daily reported that security agencies urged Berri and Jumblat to take precautions as they move from and into their residences in Ain al-Tineh and Clemenceau.
According to the newspaper, the homes of the two officials are under “surveillance,” as other officials are taking precautions and moving by taxis.
Jumblat told the daily that “the security coordination is very important, amid the stage that the country is passing through.”
“Head of the ISF intelligence branch is playing his role, and we shouldn’t forget the accomplishments made by the branch in revealing the identity of a number of Lebanese for collaborating with Israel,” he noted.
According to As Safir newspaper published, Jumblat was informed of the security threats during his visit to Moscow last week.
Concerning the controversial telecom data that renewed the dispute between Telecommunications Minister Nicolas Sehnaoui and the Intelligence Branch, Berri called on officials to implement the law.
“A judicial authorization should be submitted to the phone call interception command center,” the speaker told An Nahar.
Berri’s visitors told al-Joumhouria newspaper that the telecom data shouldn’t be open to everyone.
For his part, Jumblat urged politicians, in remarks published in An Nahar, not to settle accounts with the ISF intelligence branch.

If what the reports say are true, that Berri as well is targeted, that only means one thing, Syria wants to kill a sunnite and a chiite leader in lebanon, probably lower ranked than others, like this having killed Berri and Rifi, a war between Hariri and Nasrallah is still possible, because they are still the ultimate leaders for those 2 sects. Because Berri lately , has showed lack of support towards Assad and began acknowlegding that there is a proportion of the population in Syria that wants change. As for Jumblat, he is a traitor once again to them, and they need to cut him from the druze in Syria, like this they will be able to unite a Druze-Christian-Alawite front against the Sunnis before they completely fall apart.

is the FPM hiding the data because they are behind the plots?

Skyfall gave us ONE theory for this assasination... i'm gonna give another
could it be USA/Israel that want to create strife in lebanon?
... i don't know, syria, usa, israel...any1 could be behind this
They were both warlords during the civil war, so there may be many who wants to clip 'em. I think any politician in Lebanon could be a target now .......

Inspector Jacques Clouseau, mowaten of iran is also a top notch detective!!!! You low IQ creature, u think data for 24 hours is enough to analyze the leads they have on any plot. So, the murderers and plotters just used telecom on the day of the plot huh? U r pathetic and must find some reason to always justify your hatred. The people behind it are your idols the hizb of terror, no ifs or buts about it.

According to what we see from them, every Politician in Lebanon should be Clipped

i am really eager for a change of regime in syria to open all the Mukhabarat files and see how many lebanese have been murdered or targeted by Syrian intelligence.
They may be some surprises that Hassouna would not want to hear

@Mowaten: please do revert to last week cabinet meeting where charbel nahhas clashed with interior miister over rifi :)
it is so funny to see people so brainwashed that they accuse others of being brain washed!

I believe that all the politicians should be LEGALLY executed, starting with the feudal warlords and criminals, followed by the thieves, then by the "for rent" ones and finally by the idiots who walk on all fours behind Hariri Mafia and its Christian Sunnis and collaborators with the enemies of Lebanon, Israel always and the Syrian occupation that is no more.

@ New_guy, My theory of course is open to Israel as well who could be behind this so as the USA, which i both cannot put on a scale off evil states because they would be way above it. But in this situation, i think Syria and Israel could work things together , so many theories are possible, but all to one end. EVERYBODY would like to see Lebanon back to 75. Are we smart enough to avoid that? while of COURSE beeing firm about our independance and our sovereignety and not lack balls when it comes to talk about violations from either side of the fence ( north and south ? ) Are we ready to all and united, fight 1-2 ennemies either side of the border that wants to hurt us?

oh yeah! irelevant? remember what happened before hariri was murdered?

This is a frigging country with 3.5 mil inhabitanys, since forever, and this country can not get its politics and Politicians to do the right thing. Always tied up to another country for personnal gains. Judging from the way the Lebanese Politicians elaborate, most of them need to be sent to Sybiaria for life.

Geha: the moment of truth is coming! Syria is bein liberated ...and ur Claoun, who thought it would end like 4 months ago on that infamous tuesday, could go and bang his head to the wall. And inshallah menokhlas menno!

The reason Berri is targeted is because he will play a very important role in the she3a-Arab lebanese relationship in the post Assad era. He therefore represents a threat to the dictatorship that hizbustan currently enjoys over the she3a community. Berri is not an iranian product and has much more political space to maneuvor with in the future than hizbustan does. Do not be suprised if you see another internal Amal-hizzie strife in the future like in the 80's. With the downfall of Assad many she3a lebanese will start looking for their real interest which is the Arab world they live in.

Who the hell would target Berri.... thats total bull crap! Jumblat being targeted makes sense especially since he has sided with the syrian opposition.
Another failed attempt by FPM to try to move the spotlight off of syria by saying that Jumblat and BERRI are being targeted and not just jumblat...

@Skyfall, i agree with you 100%
it's about time lebanese unite and realise our enemies surround our borders.

seriously, you know what happenes when druze get cut...they demolish everything. if something were to happen to Jumblat lebanon would crumble. Druze are to dangerous...lets hope nothing happens or it will be end of everyone who stands in their way.