FPM Optimistic, Expects Miqati to Form Govt. in 'Coming Hours'

All the problems obstructing the government formation have been resolved, according to high-level sources in the Free Patriotic Movement.
The sources confirmed to al-Akhbar newspaper, in remarks published Thursday, that “there is no longer justification for delaying the government formation.”
The sources expected Prime Minister-designate Najib Miqati to visit Baabda in the upcoming hours, in order to “put the final touches to the line-up” and “issue the formation decree” of the new government.
The FPM sources added that Miqati is determined to form a new government, “unlike former PM Saad Hariri.”
The sources also noted that “if the government is not formed very soon, this would mean that something not related to shares and portfolios is obstructing it.”
The sources added that the moment of truth is nearing.

did we not hear this before? like a few days ago? for a year now?

Dont be fooled. The agenda is as follows:
First ration card (so that mikati takes credit of ration card implementation)
Second remove subsidies (because it is unsustainabke)
Third agree by magic on a governemnt (because no givt will want to preside over subsidies fall)
Fourth Bassil's sanctions quietly removed (because he proved he can stop the country for a year with his kbeich against berri.)
And then populist actions start by all to win over votes for 2022 election

No government will be formed that grants obstructionist third to Aoun an Basil, full stop.
Basil is politically dead and no amount of resuscitation will revive him. He alienated everyone including French, Americans and Russians. Once Aoun is out so is he and he knows it. FPM will loose big in the upcoming election and will be marginalized. HA is looking for Sunni cover before it drops Basil.

Hi Lebnanfirst! Long time!
Intetesting point HA looking for Sunni cover... that would explain the handouts in Tleil.
I always felt HA's support for Bassil is forced and artificial. Akid HA prefers a sunni cover if they would legitimize him.
And now that the Shia are in his pocket, HA might even be trying to win Sunni votes, and he has the bucks to do so...

Hi been a while.
Yeah though lamentable that strong intransigence coupled to dogmatism is dragging our Lebanon down the drain.
Have Shiite friends who, though weary of their Sunni and Christian compatriots - based on valid historical reasons - do NOT share HA’s dogma. My Sunni friends are appalled at Aoun/Basil exaggerating Tayef’s losses while admitting to their own exaggerations of it. My Christian friends are appalled by Aoun/Basil exaggerations and especially their intransigence reminiscent of that exhibited by Christian warlords of civil war.
Meanwhile, we Lebanese are still silent. Perhaps the upcoming elections can get us off Top Dead Center.