Lebanon's Ration Card Plan Finally Launched


Lebanon's long-awaited ration card plan was launched Thursday by caretaker Economy Minister Raoul Nehme and caretaker Social Affairs Minister Ramzi Msharrafiyeh.

"The card is away from selectivity, it is not an electoral card and there will be a system for receiving complaints," Msharrafiyeh said at a joint press conference.

Payments to beneficiaries will be made in U.S. dollar or its equivalent in Lebanese lira according to the black market rate, the minister added.

Nehme for his part said the plan's qualification system would identify the "rich" in Lebanon and not the poor in order to provide support for the needier segments of society.

He added that every eligible person will be granted $25 a month and that every family can only benefit from a total of $126 a month.

Nehme explained that applications to benefit from the card can be submitted on a dedicated website, daem.impact.gov.lb, or through the ministry’s centers or Lebanon-based NGOs.

“Upon approval, we will inform the family’s provider through an SMS and we will carry out home visits to verify some information,” the minister added.

“Our objective is to exclude the wealthy and we will ask for ID numbers, passports and bank accounts in order to corroborate all information,” Nehme went on to say.

He added that applications can be submitted from September 15 until October 31, adding that those who do not possess ID cards will have a grace period until the end of the year.

Comments 6
Thumb justin 09 September 2021, 16:44

He added that every eligible person will be granted $25 a month and that every family can only benefit from a total of $126 a month.


Thumb 10452km2 09 September 2021, 17:40

Buying your votes with your money.

Thumb lebanon_first 09 September 2021, 17:42

As popular as this measure is, it is a stupid populist measure that will take the country to the abyss. Lebanese are lazy as it is and dont want to work. With this card it will reinforce their wntitlement and lazyness.
Instead of giving money to the young and healthy, subsidize essential medecine and finance a proper subsidized common transit system,

Thumb i.report 09 September 2021, 19:30

First, where is the money coming from? Unlock our bank accounts you filthy corrupt thieves!!!

Second, what can one do with $25? What kind of joke is this?

Thumb warrior 10 September 2021, 01:20

You can buy 20 liters of gasoline 95 Octane.

Thumb canadianleb 09 September 2021, 23:43

Don't forget you will need to submitt your vote before you get the $25.00 so make sure you vote...