Iran Says KSA Must Realize 'Pressures on Lebanon are Futile'


Saudi Arabia must realize that “the approach of besiegement and pressures on Lebanon will not achieve any results,” Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman has said.

The spokesman, Said Khatibzadeh, added that holding a new round of Iranian-Saudi talks hinges on “Riyadh showing more seriousness.”

Khatibzadeh’s remarks are related to the diplomatic crisis between Lebanon and Saudi Arabia.

The crisis erupted over remarks made by Lebanese Information Minister George Kordahi about Yemen’s war but Riyadh has also cited the “dominance” of Iran-backed Hizbullah over Lebanon.

Comments 3
Thumb SheikYerbouti 08 November 2021, 13:50

Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman

Thumb ex-fpm 08 November 2021, 14:02

أكد مسؤولون أمنيونـ أن متفجرات إيرانية الصنع استخدمت في الهجوم على منزل رئيس الوزراء العراقي مصطفى الكاظمي. وأوضحوا، في حديث لـ”رويترز”، أن “الهجوم على الكاظمي نفذته جماعة مسلحة واحدة على الأقل تدعمها إيران واستخدمت فيه طائرات مسيرة ومتفجرات إيرانية الصنع”.

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 08 November 2021, 15:52

I expect that any minute now Hezbllah will complain about Iran's interference in internal Lebanese affairs, yep, any minute now.