Aoun Says Solution for Govt. Crisis is Separation of Powers


President Michel Aoun on Sunday noted that the solution for the country's governmental paralysis is "not implausible."

"It is found in the constitution, specifically in Article E of its preamble, which stipulates that the Lebanese system is based on the principle of the separation of powers," Aoun said in an address to the nation marking Lebanon's Independence Day.

"We should all abide by the constitution... so that the government resumes its mission amid these pressing circumstances," Aoun urged.

"Are we truly aware of the level of harm affecting our society due to the paralysis of the government? This situation should not continue," the President added.

He also pointed out that he is "continuing the efforts" to resolve the diplomatic crisis with the Gulf countries, hoping there will be a solution "soon."

Comments 4
Thumb roflmfao 22 November 2021, 03:34

Dudes.. this is great.. it looks like.. there's a.. Tales from the Crypt.. reboot!!...

Thumb EagleDawn 22 November 2021, 09:42

“بتبقى انت الحلم، والحلم ما بيشيخ”
الله يحميك
بي الكل
A fearless man - A real leader - A true statesman

Default-user-icon Marcus (Guest) 22 November 2021, 16:11

yup, he is a tool!
A gift from God!

Thumb 22 November 2021, 15:39

"It is found in the constitution, specifically in Article E of its preamble, which stipulates that the Lebanese system is based on the principle of the separation of powers," Aoun said

Do as I say not as I do!

Aoun has his own magistrates, and so do Amal, Hizbala, Mustaqbal and all others.