Protesters Block Roads across Lebanon over Dire Living Conditions


Scores of protesters blocked major roads across Lebanon on Monday to express anger against the country's political class for the worsening economic crisis and harsh living conditions.

The road closures with burning tires were mainly in the capital Beirut, the northern city of Tripoli, the southern port city of Sidon, the eastern Bekaa valley and the Zouk highway.

Lebanon's economic crisis deteriorated in recent weeks with the Lebanese pound hitting new lows of 25,800 to the U.S. dollar eradicating purchase power of most the country's residents who get paid in pounds. The minimum monthly wage is 675,000 pounds or ($27).

In Beirut, protesters blocked several roads around Tariq al-Jedideh in addition to roads in the city’s center, Verdun and Hamra

In a statement recited in Corniche al-Mazraa, protesters calling themselves “October 17 Revolutionaries” warned that Monday’s protests are only the “beginning” of popular anger aimed at “preventing the aggravation of the crisis.”

“Citizens can no longer bear the crisis,” the protesters added, while denouncing “the regime that is imposing itself on the Lebanese people.”

“We promise you to continue the peaceful protests until fulfilling the people’s demands,” the protesters said.

MTV meanwhile reported that new protests are planned for Wednesday.

Comments 1
Default-user-icon WARRIOR (Guest) 29 November 2021, 18:24

Go go go!!!