Miqati Fears Ministers Resignation, Favors Special Court for Ministers’ Trial

Prime Minister Najib Miqati told MTV that he’d rather “wait than confront,” as he does not want to call for a session “without consensus among ministers.”
“I will not go towards a scenario that might cause the resignation (of some ministers) from the government,” Miqati reportedly said, before meeting United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday.
“These things happen,” he said. “There are always political obstacles.”
On another note, Miqati reiterated the government’s stance on the Beirut port probe. “We do not interfere with the judiciary,” he affirmed, adding that “the judiciary, for its part, must respect the constitutional frameworks.”
The prime minister went on to say that he favors that a special court, the Higher Council for the Trial of Presidents and Ministers, summon the (former) ministers -- accused of negligence and homicide with probable intent over the Beirut port blast.
“Lebanon has not been abandoned, and that’s a positive thing,” Miqati added, about Guterres’ visit.
During his meeting with Guterres at the Grand Serail, Miqati asked the United Nations to compel Israel to fully implement Resolution 1701 and to stop its repeated violations of Lebanon’s sovereignty.
He also affirmed Lebanon’s commitment to proceed with the ongoing negotiations over the Lebanese-Israeli border demarcation “in a way that preserves Lebanon's full rights.”