Salameh: BDL to Continue Allowing Banks to Buy Dollars at Sayrafa Rate


Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh announced Friday in a statement that the Central Bank will continue to allow commercial banks to purchase U.S. dollars from it at the Sayrafa platform exchange rate.

The decision which was taken Tuesday has apparently led to a major recovery of the Lebanese lira value on the black market.

The dollar was trading for LBP 27,850 on the black market around 5pm Friday, down from around LBP 31,000 the previous day.

Comments 4
Thumb 14 January 2022, 19:02

Why doesn’t he simply return the money to the depositors instead of again giving what’s left of the reserve to the banks who con-conspired with him and are owned by the corrupt ruling class?

Thumb marcus 15 January 2022, 13:05

Keep depleting the reserves and when that happens the Dollar will be worth 1 million Lira. Good job Salameh.

Hang him!

Thumb 15 January 2022, 16:18

He’s burning what’s left of our economy to ashes. His next step will be the gold reserve , if Lebanon still owns it…

Missing britrich 17 January 2022, 08:01

He's from another planet and hopefully his compatriots there will send a flying saucer to take him nevers to be seen again!