Lebanon to Sign Electricity Deal with Jordan Next Week


Crisis-hit Lebanon will sign a deal with Jordan next week to bring in electricity via Syria to help ease grueling power cuts, Energy Minister Walid Fayyad has told AFP.

The agreement, which comes as the country grapples with round-the-clock power cuts, is part of a wider government effort to eventually provide state power for eight to 10 hours a day, up from just two now in most parts of the country.

"The deal is important primarily because it will increase state power supply, which is cleaner and cheaper" than electricity produced by "expensive and polluting private generators," Fayyad told AFP in an interview.

The minister said a visiting Jordanian delegation would sign the deal in Beirut next Wednesday before heading to Damascus, where Jordanian and Lebanese officials are set to sign a transit agreement with Syria.

The deal will provide Lebanon with up to 250 megawatts of electricity during the day and 150 megawatts at night, equivalent to a total of two additional hours of power, Fayad said.

Two years into Lebanon's economic meltdown, the cash-strapped state is struggling to purchase fuel for its power stations.

With state power effectively non-existent, many rely on private generators, but prices have increased after the government lifted fuel subsides.

Lebanon has been importing fuel oil from Iraq to operate its power plants in recent months.

The government is also in talks with Egypt to import gas through the Arab Gas Pipeline, which passes through Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.

Beirut and Cairo are currently finalizing commercial agreements so that the two sides can sign a deal by spring, Fayyad said.

By importing Jordanian electricity, Iraqi fuel and Egyptian gas, Lebanon hopes to boost power output to eight to 10 hours a day in the coming months, Fayyad added.

Lebanon's crumbling electricity sector has cost the country more than $40 billion since the end of its 1975-1990 civil war.

"The solutions we are proposing will quickly boost power supply and will provide a sustainable solution for the country, especially with regard to Egyptian gas," Fayyad said.

Importing electricity from Jordan will cost about $200 million per year, he added, while importing gas from Egypt will cost about the same amount.

"We secured an initial $300 million from the World Bank and we are working to secure an additional $100 million," Fayyad said.

Comments 7
Thumb i.report 21 January 2022, 19:41

Another useless jagal. Who’s going to pay for the import when the central bank is about the finish burning what’s left of the foreign currencies reserves?

Missing phillipo 21 January 2022, 22:15

It would be a lot cheaper importing from Israel even via Jordan and Syria, but why should the Lebanese government care about the welfare of its population. Cheaper so more could be imported, more could be imported equals more hours of electricity for the population, but............

Missing phillipo 22 January 2022, 23:06

Ancient 1948 Relic. Learn that we are now in the 3rd decade of the 21st century and the world, without you, has moved on from the 5th decade of the 20th.

Missing phillipo 22 January 2022, 23:13

How many kids have Hizballah killed ? How many kids have been born in "refugee' camps in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait etc and are still 73 years later refused citizenship?
How many Uighurs and Tibetans have the Chinese occupiers killed or made homeless, but your country/ies still do a lot of business with China? How many Moslems did Hindu India murder or make homeless in 1947 yet you still do a lot of business with India? Need I go on?

Default-user-icon AlMu3adill (Guest) 23 January 2022, 05:19

Gas from Jordan and Egypt is mixed with Gas from Israel, so Lebanon will be buying gas from Israel through Jordan, Egypt and Syria. Whay not cut out the middlemen and the expense and buy directly from the source, it would be a shorter route. Why is it halal for all of the majority of the other middle eastern countries to wheel and deal freely with Israel, but not okay for Lebanon? Buying direct from Israel will be much cheaper and more logical.

Missing 1948 23 January 2022, 14:48

Fact is Israel is a fascist racist terror state

Missing phillipo 24 January 2022, 20:47

You at it again with your nonsense. 1948 is long gone, so should you be.