Lebanese athletes launch #TheUrbanAthletePodcast, in collaboration with UNIC


On the occasion of International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, a group of Lebanese professional athletes launched Wednesday, in collaboration with the United Nations Information Center in Beirut (UNIC Beirut) a podcast in Arabic dedicated to sports.

In its 12 episodes, the podcast focuses on the role of physical activity and sports in improving mental health. It also tackles how the practice of physical activity is a fundamental right for all and how it contributes to education, human development, and healthy lifestyles.

The podcast aims at raising awareness about the connection between sports and education, health, human rights and women empowerment. It also aims at influencing behaviors and galvanizing action within sports, as well as inspiring people to consider sports as a valuable tool to overcome any obstacle or crisis.

The host, (2019 Wushu World Champion Michel Zammar) and co-host (his coach Ryan Merheb), discuss with high-level Lebanese and Arab athletes the challenges they faced throughout the years, their athletic accomplishments, and give recommendations to young athletes and sports lovers and fans.

The first episode features Fitness and Health Coach Joanna Salameh with whom they highlight the benefits of sports for mental health.

In this context, Salameh invited everyone to watch the show, stressing that “wellness is a journey made up of daily conscious healthy practices and a balanced mindset,” saying she will be giving tips that will help everyone --including the youth and elderly -- build a healthy lifestyle.

“Being sportsmen ourselves, we are aware of the struggles that the Lebanese and Arab athletes are facing while chasing their dreams, so we would like to help them by providing a platform to spread awareness, educate, and share knowledge and experience in the field of sports,” the host said.

In her turn, UNIC Beirut Director Margo Helou highlighted the importance of sports and how it has played an important role in all societies and acted as a strong communication platform that can be used to promote a culture of peace and encourage social inclusion.

Helou invited more women and girls to participate in sports as athletes and not as spectators only: “Physical activity can also help foster gender equality and promote equal participation of girls and women in sports.”

The Podcast can be watched on Railway Station Web TV (http://www.railwaystation.live/) and on UNIC Beirut’s Youtube Channel (www.youtube.com/UNICBeirut1)

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