Mikati still strongest candidate as opposition looks for competitor
Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati will likely be appointed next Thursday as a PM with a parliamentary majority, media reports said Friday.
Although Mikati enjoys the support of France and the U.S., the largest Christian blocs will not name him, while the Democratic Gathering is still undecided, al-Akhbar newspaper said.
Saudi Arabia, who is not very keen on re-appointing Mikati, will not fight against naming him either, if there is no alternative, the daily added.
Thus, the Democratic Gathering bloc might re-name Mikati as it considers him a good candidate who enjoys international support, unless the opposition forces manage to agree on one name, then the Democratic Gathering will reportedly back that name.
Earlier this week, the LF said it had agreed with the Progressive Socialist Party on a “unified approach” regarding the formation of the new government.
LF leader Samir Geagea said "the only door for salvation is coordination among the opposition."
The LF party had said it won't participate in a government backed by Hezbollah, but it might reconsider its decision -- in case Mikati is re-appointed, al-Akhbar said, a step that the PSP leader Walid Jumblat supports, as he doesn't want the FPM to dominate the Christian ministerial seats in the upcoming government.
Meanwhile, the reformist MPs haven't agreed yet on a name as some MPs have been engaging in heated arguments during their meetings, according to al-Akhbar.
The MPs will discuss the matter on Saturday and an agreement might be reached, the daily added. The so-called Change MPs might name Former President of the U.N. Security Council Nawaf Salam, MP Abdel Rahman al Bizri or economist Amer Bsat.